The Art of Teaching MED

The Master of Education in the Art of Teaching is designed for graduate students who would like to obtain teacher certification and a master’s degree in education.  The degree is designed to assist professionals wishing to enter the field of secondary education to obtain the necessary knowledge and skills to promote effective teaching in their respective field.  The program will focus on evidenced-based learning, curricular and instructional design, and pedagogy for teaching in K-12 schools.  This 30 hour graduate program targets primarily individuals with bachelor’s degrees in content areas taught in K-12 schools such as math, sciences, English, history, etc., and who wish to become prepared for careers in teaching.  It is limited to students who are completing a year-long residency with intensive mentoring from the public school mentors and university liaison. The Master of Education in the Art of Teaching program objective includes providing a rigorous and relative curriculum allowing the student to complete certification requirements and earn a Master’s degree.

The Master of Education in the Art of Teaching candidate must hold a Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts degree in a STEM area and meet all Post-Baccalaureate teacher certification program admission requirements including Basic Skills and 30 hours of classroom observation.

Admission to a graduate program is granted by the Dean of Graduate Studies upon the recommendation of the department.  The candidate must be admitted into the A&M-Commerce graduate program and Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Certification program.

  • A minimum of 30 SCH are required for the Master of Education in the Art of Teaching
  • Student must complete his or her Master of Education in the Art of Teaching degree and certification within six (6) years of beginning the program.

 Note: The Department reserves the right to suspend from the program any student who in the judgment of the departmental graduate committee, does not meet the professional expectations of the field.

Master of Education in The Art of Teaching - Option II Non-Thesis

A minimum of 30 semester credit hours (SCH) in professional development courses and a one-year paid internship in a Texas Education Agency approved school is required.

30 SCH Minimum

Research (3 semester hours)
EDCI 595Research Lit Tech (3 semester hours required)3
Developmental Courses (21 semester hours)
SED 521Models of Tchng Sec Schl3
EDCI 514Mgmt & Curr Dev for Div Lrnrs3
EDCI 559Diversity & Equity in Edu3
EDCI 517Rdg & Lrng in K-12 Cont Area3
EDCI 560Designing Curriculum and Instruction for the Culturally Diverse Learner3
EDCI 575Differentiated Instruction3
EDCI 515 Evidence-Based Teaching for Diverse Populations3
Internship (6 semester hours) from the following
ELED 5233
SED 523Internship3
EDCI 523Internship in Schools3
Total Hours30

Note:  A one-year paid internship in the applicant’s teaching field as approved by the graduate adviser in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction.

Note:  Successful completion of the Comprehensive Exam is required of all students.

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