Business Administration MBA

Business Administration MBA Web Site

The Masters of Business Administration degree will prepare you for advanced management positions that demand analytic and strategic leadership solutions for an interrelated set of economic, ethical and environmental issues. 

Master of Business Administration in Business Administration - Option II Non-Thesis

30-Hour Format
All candidates must take the 7 Managerial component courses, 1 Informational Analysis Component course, and 2 electives.
33-Hour Format
Those without an appropriate background in statistics (course credit) will be required to complete ECO 502 (Quantitative Analysis for Managers). The candidate can also check with the MBA advisor on a potential test-out option.
Background Course
ECO 502Quantitative Analysis for Managers 3
MBA 30 semester hours
Managerial Component (21 semester hours)
ACCT 525Advanced Managerial Accounting3
ECO 562Managerial Economics3
or ECO 576 Macroeconomics for Managers
FIN 504Financial Management3
MGT 585Management & Organizational Behavior3
MKT 521Marketing Management3
BUSA 511Business Analytics for Managers3
MGT 527Strategic Management3
*Course must be taken in student's final semester.
Information Analysis Component (3 semester hours)
ECO 595Applied Business Research3
or MGT 595 Management Research Methods
Recommended to be taken in student's first semester.
Elective Component (6 semester hours)
Two elective courses complete the 30-hour program requirements. Graduate level electives may be taken from any combination of business fields (ACCT, BA, BUSA, ECO, FIN, MGT, MKT, and SCM).6
Total Hours30

Minor Areas of Concentration

At least 12 advanced hours must be completed in an academic field (Accounting, Agribusiness, Business Analytics, Corporate Management, Cyber Security, Digital Marketing, Economics, Economics of U.S. Healthcare, Finance, Financial Planning, International Business, Marketing, Marketing Decision Analytics, Real Estate) to meet the requirements for a minor concentration area. The details of each particular minor are shown below.

At least 4 courses from Accounting includes
ACCT 525Advanced Managerial Accounting (Required)3
May choose from remaining Accounting courses excluding 595.
Required 3 semester hours
AG 505Statistical Methods in Agriculture3
or AEC 550 Market Analysis and Structure
Choose 3 of the following (9 semester hours):
AEC 520AgriBusiness Analysis and Forecasting3
AEC 530Agricultural Production Economics3
AEC 540Advanced Theory of Demand and Price Analysis3
AEC 560International Agricultural Trade3
Business Analytics
4 courses (12 semester hours) from BUSA includes:
BUSA 526Database Management3
BUSA 542Applied Decision Modeling3
6 semester hours any BUSA course, excluding 595.6
Corporate Management
4 electives from list:
MGT 550Corporate Governance & Sustainability3
MGT 555Project Management3
MGT 567Managing Groups and Teams3
MGT 583Seminar in Leadership3
MGT 586Managing at the Edge3
MGT 587Executive Development3
MGT 590Global Competitiveness3
MGT 592Current Issues in Human Resource Management3
MGT 594Transforming Organizations3
MGT 597Special Topics3
Cyber Security
4 courses (12 semester hours) includes:
BUSA 526Database Management3
BUSA 533Cyber Security and IT Auditing3
BUSA 535Ethical Hacking3
BUSA 539Cyber Forensics and Information Security Policy Governance3
Digital Marketing
4 courses (12 semester hours) from:
Required Courses (3 semester hours required)
MKT 569Interactive and Digital Marketing3
Choose 3 courses (9 semester hour) from remaining list:
MKT 580Marketing - Internship0-4
MKT 540Social Media Marketing3
MKT 575Search Engine Optimization3
BUSA 516Emerging Technologies and Business Innovations3
Required - 6 semester hours
ECO 562Managerial Economics (Required)3
ECO 576Macroeconomics for Managers (Required)3
Choose remaining 6 semester hours of ECO courses from below or courses may be substituted with Department Approval.
ECO 533Applied Economic & Financial Forecasting3
ECO 528International Economic Problems 3
ECO 556Health Economics3
ECO 510Advanced Environmental Economics3
ECO 597Special Topics1-4
MATH 503Actuarial Mathematics3
Excluding ECO 595 and ECO 578
Economics of U.S. Healthcare
4 courses (12 semester hours) from the following:
ECO 555Health Care Services in the U.S.3
ECO 556Health Economics3
ECO 557Health Policy3
MGT 591Quality Management & Six Sigma3
4 courses from Finance includes:
FIN 504Financial Management (Required)3
FIN 510Investment Seminar (Required)3
Plus 2 courses from the following
FIN 512Derivatives & Risk Management3
FIN 515Fixed Income Analysis3
FIN 520Advanced Entrepreneurial Finance & Venture Capital3
FIN 533Financial Data Analytics3
FIN 540Advanced Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation3
FIN 550Advanced Financial Modeling3
FIN 570Financial Markets, Institutions & Instruments3
FIN 571International Business Finance3
Financial Planning
4 courses (12 semester hours) from Finance:
FIN 504Financial Management3
FIN 510Investment Seminar3
FIN 530Fundamentals of Financial Planning3
FIN 536Advanced Retirement Planning & Employee Benefits3
or FIN 534 Advanced Risk, Insurance, and Estate Planning
International Business
Any 4 courses from:
ECO 528International Economic Problems 3
FIN 571International Business Finance3
MGT 590Global Competitiveness3
MGT 597Special Topics1-4
MKT 586International Marketing3
At least 4 courses from Marketing includes:
MKT 521Marketing Management (Required)3
May choose from remaining Marketing courses excluding 595.
Marketing Decision Analytics
Minor requires (12 semester hours)
Required Courses (3 semester hours)
MKT 569Interactive and Digital Marketing3
Choose 3 courses (9 semester hours) from remaining list:
MKT 540Social Media Marketing3
MKT 574Customer Relationship Management (Real Estate)3
MKT 570Marketing Analytics & Intelligence3
MKT 580Marketing - Internship3
MKT 575Search Engine Optimization3
BUSA 511Business Analytics for Managers3
Real Estate
4 courses (12 semester hours) from:
FIN 504Financial Management3
FIN 575Principles of Real Estate3
FIN 576Real Estate Appraisal and Investment3
FIN 577Real Estate Finance 3

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