
Accounting and Finance
   Accounting - ACCT
   Finance - FIN

Agricultural Sciences
   Agricultural Economics - AEC
   Agricultural and Family Education - AFE
   Agriculture - AG
   Ag, Leadership, Education, & Communications - ALEC
   Agricultural Mech - AMC
   Animal Science - ANS
   Equine Science - EQSC
   Food Science - FDSC
   Plant and Soil Science - PLS

   Art - ART
   Art History - ARTH
   Studio Art - ARTS

Biological and Environmental Sciences
   Biological Sciences - BSC
   Environmental Sciences - ENVS

   Chemistry - CHEM

College of Education & Human Services
   College of Education & Human Services - CED

College of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Arts
    College of Humanities - COH
    Gender Studies - GDRS 

College of Innovation and Design
   Education Competency Based - EDCB
   Reading Competency Based - RDCB

Computer Science and Information Systems
   Computer Science - CSCI

     Counseling - COUN

Curriculum and Instruction
   Bilingual Education - BLED
   Early Childhood Education - ECE
   Education Curriculum & Instruction - EDCI
   Elementary Education - ELED
   Reading - RDG
   Secondary Education - SED

Educational Leadership
   Educational Administration - EDAD
   Urban School Leadership - EDLU

Engineering & Technology
   Technology Management - TMGT

Health and Human Performance
   Health & Human Performance - HHPH
   Health & Human Performance - HHPK
   Health & Human Performance - HHPS

Higher Education and Learning Technologies
   Learning & Technology - EDUC
   Educational Technology - ETEC
   Higher Education - HIED
   Library Science - LIS
   Organization, Learning, & Technology - OLT

   History - HIST

Literature and Languages
   Communication Studies - COMS   
   English - ENG
   Linguistics - FLL
   Spanish - SPA

Management and Economics
   Business Administration - BA
   Economics - ECO
   Management - MGT
   Supply Chain Management - SCM

Marketing & Business Analytics
   Business Analytics - BUSA
   Marketing - MKT

   Mathematics - MATH
   Math Education - MTE

   Music - MUS

   Nursing - NURS 

Physics and Astronomy
   Astronomy - ASTR  
   Physics - PHYS

Political Science
     Political Science - PSCI

Psychology and Special Education
   Psychology - PSY
   Special Education - SPED

School of Social Work
   Social Work - SWK

Sociology and Criminal Justice
   Criminal Justice - CJ
   Sociology - SOC

   Theatre - THE

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RDCB 516 - Foundations of Reading
Hours: 3
(Same As RDG 516) This course is designed for graduate students in the emergency permit or alternative certification program seeking initial teacher certification. The focus is on the reading process and the factors that condition its development. The importance of reading in school and in life serves as a background for critical evaluation of the methods and materials of reading instruction. Special consideration is given to the essential components of research-based programs and the features of classrooms that support effective beginning reading instruction.