Specialist in School Psychology SSP

The School Psychology program at Texas A&M University-Commerce prepares students for attainment of a Specialist in School Psychology (SSP) degree. The current specialist degree program is consistent with the requirements published by the Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists for the Licensed Specialist in School Psychology (LSSP) and has been granted national approval from the National Association of School Psychologist (NASP).

Specialist in School Psychology - Option I Thesis

Psychological Foundations (15 semester hours)
PSY 503Abnormal Psychology3
PSY 505Introduction to Educational Psychology3
PSY 507Pharmaco-therapy3
PSY 545Developmental Psychology3
PSY 672Multicultural Issues and Diversity in Assessment and Therapy3
Educational Foundations (6 semester hours)
SPED 528Special Education Law3
SPED 540Assessment and Interventions for Social Communication Impairments3
Intervention/Problem Solving (21 semester hours)
PSY 535Applied Behavior Analysis3
PSY 573Intellectual Assessment I (SSP grade of B or better)3
PSY 520Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Clinical Practice3
PSY 576Psychological Assessment of Children & Adolescents (SSP grade of B or better)3
SPED 574Principles of Psycho-Educational Assessment (SSP grade of B or better)3
PSY 615Psychological Principles of Consultation & Supervision3
PSY 635School Based Interventions3
Statistics & Research Methodologies (9 semester hours)
PSY 518Thesis (6 semester hours required)3-6
Only 6 semester hours of credit for 518 per degree will be given upon satisfactory completion of the requirement
PSY 612Psy Ed Statistics3
Professional School Psychology (3 semester hours)
PSY 506Professional School Psy3
Practicum & Internship (12 semester hours)
PSY 691Clinical Practicum in Psychology (Repeat twice for 6 semester hours)3
PSY 790Internship in School Psychology (Repeat twice for 6 semester hours)3
Total Hours66

Specialist in School Psychology - Option II Non-Thesis

Psychological Foundations (15 semester hours)
PSY 503Abnormal Psychology3
PSY 505Introduction to Educational Psychology3
PSY 507Pharmaco-therapy3
PSY 545Developmental Psychology3
PSY 672Multicultural Issues and Diversity in Assessment and Therapy3
Educational Foundations (6 semester hours)
SPED 528Special Education Law3
SPED 540Assessment and Interventions for Social Communication Impairments3
Intervention/Problem Solving (21 semester hours)
PSY 535Applied Behavior Analysis3
PSY 573Intellectual Assessment I (SSP grade of B or better)3
PSY 520Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Clinical Practice3
PSY 576Psychological Assessment of Children & Adolescents (SSP grade of B or better)3
PSY 615Psychological Principles of Consultation & Supervision3
PSY 635School Based Interventions3
SPED 574Principles of Psycho-Educational Assessment (SSP grade of B or better)3
Statistics & Research Methodologies (9 semester hours)
PSY 595Research Literature & Techniques (3 semester hours required)3
PSY 605Single Subject Designs3
PSY 612Psy Ed Statistics3
Professional School Psychology (3 semester hours)
PSY 506Professional School Psy3
Practicum & Internship (12 semester hours)
PSY 691Clinical Practicum in Psychology (Repeat twice for 6 semester hours)3
PSY 790Internship in School Psychology (Repeat twice for 6 semester hours)3
Total Hours66

Note:  Successful completion of the Comprehensive Exam is required of all students.

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