Higher Education EdD

The Doctor of Education degree in Higher Education is a 60-semester-hour program of study designed specifically for persons who already have a master's degree.  Building upon the master's degree, the program requires a major course of study of 36 semester hours (not including the dissertation), plus 12 semester hours of research tools, 3 semester hours of research methodology (HIED 695), and 9 semester hours of dissertation.

Doctoral advisement committees include (minimally) 3 faculty members.  Two faculty members will be from the department and one faculty member from outside the department. 

The research tools develop proficiency in quantitative and qualitative research methodology.

Research Proficiency

All candidates must meet Graduate School research tools requirements for the Doctor of Education degree (see Office of Graduate Studies for more information).


A dissertation of at least 9 semester hours must be completed to the satisfaction of the major department.

Doctor of Education in Higher Education

Major - the following six courses are required
HIED 615Introduction to Higher Education3
HIED 622Internship3
HIED 627Hist HIED in US3
HIED 650Writing a Literature Review3
HIED 656The Law of Higher Education3
HIED 710Dissertation Prospectus3
Seven additional courses in the Major from the following list. Up to four courses can come from OLT or ETEC.
HIED 620The Adult Learner3
HIED 540American Community College3
HIED 541Community College Curriculum3
HIED 542Teaching in Higher Education 3
HIED 543Issues in Adult & Developmental Education3
HIED 621Teaching and Learning in Higher Education3
HIED 628Survey of Dev ED3
HIED 637Institutional Effectiveness and Outcomes Assessment3
HIED 640Policy Making in Higher Edu3
HIED 651Curriculum Development in Higher Education3
HIED 653Com Col Instr Lead3
HIED 654Leadership Theory and Practice3
HIED 655Issues in American Higher Education3-6
HIED 657Org & Govern in HIED3
HIED 658Administration of Student Affairs3
HIED 659HIED Finance3
HIED 670Diversity in HIED3
HIED 597Special Topics0-4
HIED 697Special Topic1-4
Research Tools (12 semester hours) All research tool courses must have a grade of "B" or better and cannot be used to satisfy other degree requirements. HIED 695 is a prerequisite for ALL other tools courses.
HIED 695Research Methodology3
HIED 696Qualitative Research Methods3
HIED 617Introduction to Quantitative Research3
HIED 619Advanced Quantitative Research3
or HIED 698 Advanced Qualitative Research
Dissertation - minimum of 9 semester hours
HIED 718Doct Dissertation3-12
Total Hours60

NOTE: No course beyond the master's program that is over 10 years old at the time the doctoral degree is conferred can be used toward the doctoral degree.

Note:  Successful completion of the Comprehensive Exam is required of all students.

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