Counselor Education and Supervision PhD

Course Requirements

Doctoral students must have met the equivalent of CACREP master's program requirements, plus complete approximately 69 hours of additional coursework, as outlined below.

  1. Master’s Degree—A minimum of 48 semester hours, equal/equivalent to a CACREP-accredited master’s degree, must be completed prior to finishing the doctorate.
  2. Doctoral Field Experience—12 semester hours of class, which includes a combination of supervised clinical training, teaching, and clinical supervision.
  3. Core Doctoral Courses—21 semester hours of required doctoral counseling courses.
  4. Cognate Area— 9 semester hours from one of several department-approved content areas.
  5. Elective — 3 semester hours selected with adviser to build competencies in an area that meets the student’s professional needs.
  6. Research Tools—15 semester hours in research methodology and statistics (or documented proficiency) from the University-approved Research Tools options. One of the research tools courses must be a qualitative research course.
  7. Dissertation—9 to 12 semester hours. In addition to the courses above, all general catalog requirements for the degree must be met.


Doctoral student residency in the A&M-Commerce Department of Counseling serves three purposes. First, it is designed to encourage collegial relationships between students and faculty. Second, it introduces students to typical professional expectations they will encounter as they progress through their careers. Finally, activities within the residency enhance student learning by supplementing the academic and experiential components of the program.

To fulfill the residency requirements in the Department of Counseling, doctoral students must complete the following activities.

  1. Attend a minimum of six doctoral seminars.
  2. Assist faculty members on two different projects intended to ultimately lead to either manuscripts submitted for publication in peer-reviewed journals or presentation proposals submitted for peer-reviewed program consideration at state, regional, or national conferences. Students must collaborate with at least two different faculty members.
  3. Engage in a minimum of three departmental activities. Suggested activities include proctoring master’s comprehensive examinations, assisting with Murphy Day, assisting with the fall school counselor conference, maintaining the departmental bulletin board, maintaining the departmental job board, etc. Activities MUST include assisting with Master's-level Practicum (COUN 551). This is in addition to COUN 660 Supervision requirement.
  4. Actively engage in professional service. Two components comprise this requirement:
    1. Holding elected or appointed office in a local (E.g., Chi Sigma Iota, Doctoral student Association, Branch of the Texas Counseling Association), state (e.g., Texas Counseling Association or its divisions), regional (e.g., Southern Region of the American Counseling association), or national (e.g., American Counseling association or its divisions, American College Personnel Association), professional organization or by chairing or serving as a member of a committee of one of these organizations.
    2. Serving on a university, college, or departmental committee or task force (e.g., Master’s Admissions Committee, Departmental Human Subjects Protection Committee, University Library Committee).
  5. Completing 24 semester hours at Texas A&M University-Commerce toward the degree. 

There is no specified time limit for completing residency.


The department reserves the right to suspend from the program any student who, in the judgment of a duly constituted departmental committee, does not meet the professional expectations of the field. A copy of the department’s Retention/Dismissal Procedure may be obtained from the departmental office.

Doctor of Philosophy in Counselor Education and Supervision

Doctoral Core: 21 semester hours (7 courses)
COUN 610Adv Counsel Theories & Techniq3
COUN 620Superv Cou Human Develop3
COUN 625Research Application3
COUN 621Psychoeducational Consulting and Program Evaluation3
COUN 622Advanced Seminar in Counseling Diverse Populations3
COUN 650Inst Th & Meth in Coun Ed3
COUN 717Ethics & Prof Development3
Cognate (9 semester hours)
Child and Adolescent
COUN 534Counseling Children and Adolescents3
COUN 539Introduction to Play Therapy3
COUN 614Counseling Strategies for Parent-Child Relationships3
COUN 697Special Topics (Self Injurious Behavior: Gestalt Therapy: Advanced Sandtray)3
COUN 689Independent Study (Advanced Play Therapy: Parent Consultation)1-3
COUN 623Race, Class and Gender3
COUN 697Special Topics (Spiritualality in Counseling & Counseling Sexual Minorities)6
Marriage and Family
COUN 611Introduction to Marriage and Family Counseling/Therapy3
COUN 612Adv Sem M&F Coun/Therapy3
COUN 615Marital Counseling/Therapy3
Student Affairs
COUN 590Legal Issues Stu Affairs3
COUN 606Stu Affairs Services Hi Ed3
COUN 607Contemp College Student3
COUN 697Special Topics (Human Sexuality: Self Injurious Behavior)3
Doctoral Practicum/Internship (12 semester hours)
COUN 660Doctoral Field Experience (3 semester hours)3
COUN 661Advanced Practicum3
COUN 662Advanced Internship (Advanced Internship I & II (taken twice for 6 semester hours)3
Elective (3 semester hours)
3 semester hours from any COUN 500 level course and above not already taken for credit.3
Dissertation (9 semester hours)
COUN 718Dissertation3-9
Research Tools 15 semester hours: Each must have grade of "B" or better and cannot be used to satisfy other degree requirements.
COUN 695Research Methodology3
COUN 609Introduction to Statistics for Counseling and Human Services Research3
or PSY 612 Psy Ed Statistics
or HIED 617 Introduction to Quantitative Research
COUN 613Adv Statistical Technique3
COUN 690Qualitative Research3
or HIED 696 Qualitative Research Methods
or EDAD 698 Qualitative Research Methods
Choose from one of the following courses, in consultation with your doctoral advisor, that have not already been applied to a previous research tool. COUN 609, COUN 625, COUN 690, EDCI 687, EDCI 696, EDCI 698, EDCI 699, EDAD 603, EDAD 604, EDAD 698, HIED 617, HIED 619, HIED 696, HIED 698, PSY 605, PSY 610, PSY 612, PSY 670. 3
Total Hours69

NOTE: No course beyond the master's program that is over ten years old at the time the doctoral degree is conferred can be used toward the doctoral degree.

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