Kinesiology and Sports Studies B.S.

Kinesiology and Sports Studies B.S. Web Site

The B.S. in Kinesiology and Sports Studies has five concentrations:

Concentration 1: Physical Education Teacher Education - prepares teachers for early childhood through grade twelve in physical education.  

A graduate should possess the following competencies:

  1. Knowledge basic and relative to human body function and movement;
  2. Knowledge in program planning, essential knowledge and skills, teaching methods, and evaluation;
  3. Knowledge of concepts of fitness;
  4. Skill in a variety of physical activities; and
  5. An acceptable level of physical fitness.

Concentration 2: Allied Health – prepares students for advanced post-graduate programs in allied health, such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, physician assistant, and chiropractic.

Concentration 3: Exercise Science - prepares students to assess fitness, interpret findings, and prescribe individual and group exercise and fitness programs for individuals who are apparently healthy and those with controlled disease.

Concentration 4: Strength and Conditioning – prepares students to optimize performance in athletic and tactical populations.

Concentration 5: General Kinesiology – prepare students for careers in fitness and wellness by customized coursework.

A graduate should possess the following competencies:

  1. Knowledge of anatomy and physiology of the human body.
  2. Knowledge of concepts of fitness
  3. Skill in promoting health, wellness, and nutrition
  4. Skill in designing safe and effective fitness programs or physical education
  5. Skill in biomechanical analysis, evaluating and improving movement patterns
Concentration 1: Physical Education Teacher Education
Students seeking PE certification will be evaluated on a regular basis by departmental faculty and must be approved to continue in the program. Students must also meet the requirement of the Field-Based Teacher Certification Program.
Secondary and All-Level Education
See for information: **
All-Level Teacher Certification in Physical Education
Students MUST have and maintain a 2.5 overall and major GPA in order to take 300- and 400- level classes in the program.
Core Curriculum Courses
See the Core Curriculum Requirements42
Required Kinesiology Core Courses
US-College Algebra ^
HHPK 1301Foundations of Kinesiology 3
HHPK 1306First Aid and Safety 3
HHPK 1338Concepts of Physical Activity 3
HHPK 290Structural Kinesiology3
HHPK 2356Prevention & Care of Athletic Injuries *3
Nutrition ^
HHPK 335Kinesiology *4
HHPK 350Motor Learning and Motor Control *3
HHPK 450Exercise Physiology *4
Required courses for PETE concentration
HHPK 212Introduction to Physical Education Teaching3
HHPK 253Lifetime Sports and Activities3
HHPK 302Adapted Physical Education3
HHPK 304Motor Development *3
HHPK 308Integrated Adventure Education *3
HHPK 309Fundamental Rhythms and Dance *3
HHPK 314Teaching Methods in Physical Education I3
HHPK 315Teaching Methods in Physical Education II3
HHPK 424Technology and Assessment in Physical Education *3
HHPK 440Field-Based Teaching and Instructional Strategies *3
RDG 380Comprehension and Vocabulary in Middle and High Schools3
SED 300Teaching Profession3
PSY 300Learning Processes and Development3
ELED 452Student Teaching in Field-Based Teacher Education Programs3
SED 400Pedagogy and Classroom Management in Field-based Environments3
SED 401Technology Infused Curriculum and Assessment in Field-based Environments3
SED 404Secondary Teaching Practicum3
SED 405Secondary Residency in Teaching3
Total Hours122

meets core curriculum requirements


 Refer to prerequisite.


 Secondary and All-Level Education

Concentration 2: Exercise Science
The mission of the Exercise Science concentration is to prepare competent entry-level Exercise Science professionals in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains. Using foundational anatomical and physiological knowledge and guidelines published by the American College of Sports Medicine, students will learn to assess fitness, interpret findings, and prescribe individual and group exercise and fitness programs for individuals who are apparently healthy and those with controlled disease. Graduates will also be skilled in evaluating health behaviors and motivating individuals to modify negative health habits and maintain positive lifestyle behaviors for health promotion. Learning and skill development will occur through a variety of methods including lecture, labs, hands-on experience, as well as an internship. Exercise Science graduates possess knowledge and skills desirable in multiple industries. Graduates enjoy a wide range of career options in the university, corporate, commercial, or community settings. The degree can also serve as a foundation for advanced study in exercise physiology, biomechanics, nutrition, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and other graduate health programs.
Students must have a grade of "C" or better in all major and support courses. Students MUST have and maintain a 2.5 overall and major GPA in order to take 300- and 400- level classes in the program.
Core Curriculum Courses
See the Core Curriculum Requirements42
Required Kinesiology Core Courses
US-College Algebra ^
HHPK 1301Foundations of Kinesiology 3
HHPK 1306First Aid and Safety 3
HHPK 1338Concepts of Physical Activity 3
HHPK 290Structural Kinesiology3
HHPK 2356Prevention & Care of Athletic Injuries *3
Nutrition ^
HHPK 335Kinesiology *4
HHPK 350Motor Learning and Motor Control *3
HHPK 450Exercise Physiology *4
Required courses for Exercise Science
HHPS 317Group Exercise Instruction3
HHPH 333Nutrition for Health and Fitness3
HHPH 360Health Psychology and Behavioral Strategies3
HHPK 355Evidence Based Practice in Exercise Science3
HHPK 445Administration and Leadership3
HHPK 460Fitness Assessment *4
HHPK 461Exercise Prescription *3
HHPK 462Exercise Prescription for Varied Populations *3
HHPK 463Senior Capstone in Exercise Science *3
HHPK 437Internship in Kinesiology *3
US-Hum Anatomy/Physiology I ^
Hum Anatomy/Physiology II ^
Choose any FRA Course3
Minor required18
Total Hours120

meets core curriculum requirement


 Refer to prerequisite.

A grade of “C” or higher must be earned in all courses in this Major. (This includes Support and Elective courses).

Concentration 3: Strength & Conditioning
The Strength and Conditioning concentration within the Health and Human Performance Department at Texas A&M University – Commerce will allow students to achieve proficiency in the skill of performance coaching by having a world class understanding of the science leading of optimizing human potential, and provides real world experience in the strength and conditioning profession. The program focuses on gaining combined competencies of sport/exercise science, management, and individualized and group coaching. The Strength and Conditioning program is designed to prepare students for advanced certification in sports science, to critically evaluate new technologies and program proposals, and be an advocate for their clients in a constantly changing field of sports performance. Graduates will take with them substantial experience, expertise, and other resources to effectively address the challenges of serving as strength and conditioning specialists.
Students must have a grade of "C" or better in all major and support courses. Students MUST have and maintain a 2.5 overall and major GPA in order to take 300- and 400- level classes in the program.
Core Curriculum Courses
See the Core Curriculum Requirements42
Required Kinesiology Core Courses
US-College Algebra ^
HHPK 1301Foundations of Kinesiology 3
HHPK 1306First Aid and Safety 3
HHPK 1338Concepts of Physical Activity 3
HHPK 290Structural Kinesiology3
HHPK 2356Prevention & Care of Athletic Injuries *3
Nutrition ^
HHPK 335Kinesiology *4
HHPK 350Motor Learning and Motor Control *3
HHPK 450Exercise Physiology *4
Required courses for Strength & Conditioning
HHPS 210Sport Psychology3
HHPH 330Sport Nutrition3
HHPK 316Resistance Training3
HHPK 322Principles of Strength and Conditioning3
HHPK 445Administration and Leadership3
HHPK 460Fitness Assessment *4
HHPK 461Exercise Prescription *3
HHPK 470Program Design in Strength & Conditioning I3
HHPK 473Program Design in Strength & Conditioning II *3
HHPK 437Internship in Kinesiology *4
US-Hum Anatomy/Physiology I ^
Hum Anatomy/Physiology II ^
Required Electives2
Minor required18
Total Hours120

meets core curriculum requirement


 Refer to prerequisite.

A grade of “C” or higher must be earned in all courses in this Major. (This includes Support and Elective courses).

Concentration 4: General Kinesiology
Students in the general kinesiology concentration will gain knowledge in human movement and physical activity. The degree will prepare students for a career in fitness, wellness, or sport.
Students must have a grade of "C" or better in all major and support courses. Students MUST have and maintain a 2.5 overall and major GPA in order to take 300- and 400- level classes in the program.
Core Curriculum Courses
See the Core Curriculum Requirements42
Required Kinesiology Core Courses
US-College Algebra ^
HHPK 1301Foundations of Kinesiology 3
HHPK 1306First Aid and Safety 3
HHPK 1338Concepts of Physical Activity 3
HHPK 290Structural Kinesiology3
HHPK 2356Prevention & Care of Athletic Injuries *3
Nutrition ^
HHPK 335Kinesiology *4
HHPK 350Motor Learning and Motor Control *3
HHPK 450Exercise Physiology *4
Required courses for Kinesiology (Choose a minimum of 34 hours)34
HHPH 330Sport Nutrition3
HHPH 333Nutrition for Health and Fitness3
HHPH 360Health Psychology and Behavioral Strategies3
HHPH 472Stress Management3
HHPS 210Sport Psychology3
HHPK 253Lifetime Sports and Activities3
HHPS 317Group Exercise Instruction3
HHPA 339Therapeutic Rehabilitation3
HHPK 302Adapted Physical Education3
HHPK 304Motor Development3
HHPK 308Integrated Adventure Education3
HHPK 309Fundamental Rhythms and Dance3
HHPK 316Resistance Training3
HHPK 319Tactical Strength and Conditioning3
HHPK 322Principles of Strength and Conditioning3
HHPK 445Administration and Leadership3
HHPK 460Fitness Assessment *4
HHPK 461Exercise Prescription *3
Minor required18
Total Hours120

meets core curriculum requirement


 Refer to prerequisite.

A grade of “C” or higher must be earned in all courses in this Major. (This includes Support and Elective courses).

Concentration 5: Allied Health
The Allied Health concentration provides students a background in kinesiology that prepares them for an allied health graduate program. Students can take prerequisite courses for allied health programs such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, athletic training, or other allied health professions. Students select support courses based on the prerequisites for specific professional school programs.
Students must have a grade of "C" or better in all major and support courses. Students MUST have and maintain a 2.5 overall and major GPA in order to take 300- and 400- level classes in the program.
Core Curriculum Courses
See the Core Curriculum Requirements42
Required Kinesiology Core Courses
MATH 1314US-College Algebra ^3
HHPK 1301Foundations of Kinesiology 3
HHPK 1306First Aid and Safety 3
HHPK 1338Concepts of Physical Activity 3
HHPK 290Structural Kinesiology3
HHPK 2356Prevention & Care of Athletic Injuries *3
Nutrition ^
HHPK 335Kinesiology *4
HHPK 350Motor Learning and Motor Control *3
HHPK 450Exercise Physiology *4
Required courses for Allied Health
HHPK 322Principles of Strength and Conditioning3
HHPK 460Fitness Assessment *4
HHPK 461Exercise Prescription *3
BSC 256Medical Terminology3
US-Hum Anatomy/Physiology I ^
Hum Anatomy/Physiology II ^
Required Support Courses for Allied Health (choose 18 hours)18
HHPH 330Sport Nutrition3
HHPH 333Nutrition for Health and Fitness3
HHPS 210Sport Psychology3
HHPS 317Group Exercise Instruction3
HHPK 302Adapted Physical Education3
HHPK 304Motor Development3
HHPK 316Resistance Training3
PSY 316Abnormal Psychology3
PSY 322Lifespan Development3
MATH 453Essentials of Statistics3
or MATH 1342 Elementary Statistical Methods
General and Quantitative Chemistry I
and General and Quantitative Chemistry Laboratory I ^
College Physics I ^
Introductory Biology I ^
Minor required18
Total Hours120

meets core curriculum requirement


 Refer to prerequisite.

A grade of “C” or higher must be earned in all courses in this Major. (This includes Support and Elective courses).

B.S.-M.S. 5 year Accelerated Pathway

BS in Kinesiology & Sports Studies and MS in Health, Kinesiology, & Sports Studies

The BS-MS accelerated degree program allows undergraduate students in the Kinesiology & Sports Studies-Human performance concentration to begin coursework towards the Master of Science in Health, Kinesiology, and Sports Studies-Human Performance program during their senior year at Texas A&M University-Commerce. Students can earn a B.S. and M.S. degree in five years upon completion of degree requirements for both degrees. For this accelerated program, graduate courses cannot be applied to the undergraduate degree. Students must apply to the accelerated program by the end of their junior year after having completed at least 90 hours of undergraduate courses and a cumulative undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or higher. Additionally, students should have taken certain upper-level courses in their junior year to ensure they can be successful taking graduate courses with UG courses in their senior year (e.g., HHPK 335, HHPK 350, HHPK 450). Students must earn a B or higher in these courses. Students will be awarded both degrees at the same time after completing both B.S. and M.S. requirements.

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