Management Courses

MGT 501 - Foundations of Management
Hours: 3
This introductory management course focuses on planning, organizing, leading, and controlling in an organizational context. It provides a framework for understanding the factors that influence how organizations evolve, function, and perform. Students will learn about contemporary managerial topics including leadership, motivation, teams, organizational culture, organizational structures, and strategic planning.

MGT 503 - Business Concepts and Tools
Hours: 3
A study of administrative processes and policy determination at the general management level through the use of case analysis. Course is open to Business majors only. Course should be taken during first semester.

MGT 510 - Family Business
Hours: 3
Students will explore the business, personal and family issues found in managing an established family business on a day-to-day basis, and planning for the future. These issues include values, life cycles, marketing strategies, succession, conflict resolution, communications, legal, and financial aspects, estate planning, governance and philanthropy.

MGT 522 - Electronic Commerce
Hours: 3
This course addresses key business and strategic management applications relevant to the use of Internet technologies, including but not limited to Internet business models, customer interface, market communications, and valuation. Some exposure to technical issues will also be provided.

MGT 527 - Strategic Management
Hours: 3
A study of administrative processes and policy determination at the general management level through the use of case analysis. Course open to business majors only. Should be taken during semester of graduation.

MGT 530 - The Entrepreneur
Hours: 3
This is an advanced course geared towards gaining theoretical and applied understanding of the entrepreneur and entrepreneurial lifestyle. In particular, this course addresses the implications of personality, attitudes, ethical challenges, environmental scanning and opportunity recognition mind-frame, biases and heuristics, decision-making processes, on the life of an entrepreneur.

MGT 550 - Corporate Governance & Sustainability
Hours: 3
The class presents an advanced examination of the issues related to corporate governance in an ethical society. General theories of governance provide a foundation for an examination of the role governance decisions play in promoting the long-run sustainability of the community in which the firm operates. Global comparative analysis will help identify best practices in internal and external governance mechanisms.

MGT 555 - Project Management
Hours: 3
This advanced level course is geared towards teaching students the fundamentals of project management based on the Project Management Body of Knowledge developed by the Project Management Institute. In particular, students will learn about scope, time, cost, quality, human resource, communication and procurement management and develop a comprehensive project plan accordingly.

MGT 560 - Organizational Ethics
Hours: 3
This course examines the unique ethical demands of leadership and prepares you to better meet these challenges. Alternative perspectives of leadership and ethics are explored and applied to emergent ethical issues facing organizations. The overall mission of the course is to promote critical thinking in terms of ethical decision-making in organizations. The course seeks to help you recognize and be sensitive to moral issues, to consider such issues from multiple perspectives, to engage in a systematic and transparent analysis of alternatives, and to take individual responsibilities for your decisions and conduct.

MGT 567 - Managing Groups and Teams
Hours: 3
Techniques for managing individuals and groups in a supervisory situation are developed. Specific attention will be given to problems in communications, counseling and morale. Team building, the roles and responsibilities of supervision in a team environment, and the roles and responsibilities of teams will be presented. Nature and use of teams in various forms and activities are emphasized.

MGT 570 - New Venture Management
Hours: 3
The purpose of this advanced course is to teach students about the opportunity recognition, analysis and exploitation process. Students will learn to scan the environment for opportunities and develop a business plan to help assess the opportunity (market research, market segmentation, industry, competition and financial analysis) and to develop comprehensive plans to exploit the identified opportunity (marketing, operation and financial plan).

MGT 571 - Managerial Metrics and Decision Making
Hours: 3
This course is an examination of the conceptual and the practical aspects of managerial decision-making. Emphasis is placed upon ethical grounding and business metrics as the appropriate driving forces in operational and financial business metrics as the appropriate driving forces in operational and financial decisions. Barriers to effective decision-making are explored and strategies to improve the quality and sustainability of decisions are presented. Experiential learning is facilitated through self-assessments and decision-making exercises. Case studies are employed to demonstrate typical managerial decision making in production and service industries.

MGT 574 - Business Law
Hours: 3
A survey and study of the legal and regulatory environments businesses operate within, including international business implications and an overview of doing business with the U.S. Government. The class will encompass interactive lectures, reading and case studies. This course satisfies the business law requirement for the MSM Cohort program.

MGT 575 - Operations Management
Hours: 3
A study of the use of Operations Management concepts, models, methods, and tools to ensure effectiveness and efficiency in for-profit and not-for-profit, private and public organizations. The focus is on the transformation of inputs (e.g., labor, materials, machinery, and methods) into outputs (i.e., goods and services) for customers and other stakeholders.

MGT 576 - Global Supply Chain Management
Hours: 3
Global Supply Chain Management explores the key issues, theories, and tools associated with the design, management and improvement of integrated global supply chain systems. It focuses on the strategic, tactical, and financial aspects of supply chain management. Also, it provides an overview of concepts and decision processes that can be used to effectively and efficiently manage the flow of goods, services, and information in a global environment. Firms are procuring, producing, and selling globally which requires ever increasing amounts of coordination within the firm and with supply chain partners.

MGT 580 - Internship in Management
Hours: 0-4
The goal of this course is to gain relevant work experience in the student's field of study by developing specific work related skills to improve marketability upon graduation. Students will also build a "network" of professional contacts. Prerequisites: MGT 585 and departmental approval.

MGT 581 - Entrepreneurship
Hours: 3
Starting and running new ventures and small/mid-size entrepreneurial organizations; components of comprehensive business plans and feasibility studies; perceptual processes of opportunity recognition; entrepreneurial innovation and creativity; assessing career interest in intrapreneurship and entrepreneurship; strategic gap analysis.

MGT 583 - Seminar in Leadership
Hours: 3
This course provides an in-depth seminar emphasizing the development of organizational leadership as a discipline. It focuses primarily on the evolution of leadership thought and the application of the major models and theories associated with the various perspectives on leader behavior and subsequent follower outcomes

MGT 585 - Management & Organizational Behavior
Hours: 3
This course is designed to provide an in-depth understanding of individual, group and organizational dynamics in order to influence and manage behaviors in an organizational context. In particular, the course focuses on topics such as developing self-awareness, managing diversity, understanding people at work, creative problem-solving, supportive communication, groups and teams, the use of power and influence, motivation techniques, effective leadership, managing conflict, and organizational culture.

MGT 587 - Executive Development
Hours: 3
An in-depth seminar on the impact of current issues and environmental factors on management and organizations. The primary emphasis of the course is on the development of the skills and knowledge required for successful managerial performance. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

MGT 589 - Independent Study
Hours: 0-4
Individualized instruction/research at an advanced level in a specialized content area under the direction of a faculty member. May be repeated when the topic varies. Prerequisites: Consent of department head.

MGT 590 - Global Competitiveness
Hours: 3
A study of those factors that contribute to the competitiveness of businesses, industries, and societies operating within a world economy. Primary focus is on the interaction of management, labor, and government policies.

MGT 591 - Quality Management & Six Sigma
Hours: 3
This course is an introduction to continuous improvement philosophies and methodologies combined with the tools of Six Sigma. The focus is on the continuous improvement of processes, relationships, products and services. Students completing this course will be able to establish and improve processes in educational institutions, engineering and manufacturing organizations, health care facilities, financial institutions, governmental agencies, and service organizations using Quality Management philosophies and Six Sigma tools.

MGT 592 - Current Issues in Human Resource Management
Hours: 3
This course provides an analysis of current human resource management issues emphasizing their impact on an organization's success.

MGT 594 - Transforming Organizations
Hours: 3
This course examines issues related to organizational redesign and specifically to the changes processes used by organizations to respond to changes in internal and/or external environments. Sources of change, change strategies and the analysis of change efforts on environments. Use of case analysis is incorporated into the course to provide an opportunity to apply the concepts and issues studied.

MGT 595 - Management Research Methods
Hours: 3
This course aims to introduce students to a scientific approach to the to the practice of management. Students will be exposed to the basic collection and dissemination of data techniques for the internal and external customers. Interpretation of the gathered information for decision making among upper echelons is introduced along with basic statistics, survey research, performance evaluation, understanding financials and review of scientific method.

MGT 597 - Special Topics
Hours: 1-4
Organized class. May be repeated when topics vary.

MGT 599 - Comprehensive Exam in Management
Hours: 0
Comprehensive Exam in Management.