Educational Administration Courses

EDAD 507 - Using Evaluation and Data to Improve Learning
Hours: 3
This course provides school leaders with the skills and knowledge necessary to analyze state, district, and local data for use in planning systemic improvement of instructional delivery, program effectiveness, and administrative processes. Acquisition, analysis, and interpretation of data are applied in educational settings to facilitate research based decisions in planning for instructional and organizational improvement. Prerequisites: EDAD 515, EDAD 595, EDAD 526, EDAD 556, EDAD 519, and EDAD 561.

EDAD 510 - Leading Learning Communities Reflective Practicum
Hours: 3
One of two culminating courses that develops candidates for school leadership by providing opportunities to synthesize, practice, and apply knowledge from principal preparation coursework in a campus based setting. Students will complete specific activities to meet TEA certification guidelines. Prerequisites: EDAD 515, EDAD 595, EDAD 526, EDAD 556, EDAD 519, EDAD 561, EDAD 569, and EDAD 507. Corequisites: EDAD 554.

EDAD 515 - Leading Effective Schools
Hours: 3
This introductory course provides an overview of school administration in Texas, which includes roles, functions, and duties of those who are charged with supervising schools in Texas. Critical review and analysis of principles of effective school leadership and organizational theories aligned to SBEC Principal Standards are examined and applied to the current challenges of leading 21st century schools in Texas. The course is the first course in the Masters Of Educational Administration Program and is the prerequisite course for all other courses in the program.

EDAD 517 - Teacher Instructional Leadership Training - TILT
Hours: 3
This course explored the models of instruction, with emphasis on the associated theories of teaching and learning. The course encourages teachers to integrate the models into practice and offers opportunities for research on the connections between teaching and learning theories, cognitive psychology, and educational philosophies. Additionally, this course is about strategic planning of learning targets and designing work that motivates and engages students.

EDAD 518 - Thesis
Hours: 3-6

EDAD 519 - Designing Curriculum
Hours: 3
This Course focuses on the development of and designing of curriculum for facilitating continuous improvement in the instructional program. Sound research-based practices related to planning, supervision, curriculum development and delivery, program evaluation, and change management for diverse learners in multicultural settings are incorporated. Prerequisites: EDAD 515, EDAD 595, EDAD 526, and EDAD 556.

EDAD 526 - Using Law in Educational Practice
Hours: 3
The scope of this course is designed to equip highly effective school leaders though an in-depth and comprehensive analysis of state and federal laws. The novice principal will learn to assess and apply legal issues and rulings that advance the operation of public schools, while gaining an understanding of the legal impact on education. Prerequisites: EDAD 515, and EDAD 595.

EDAD 554 - GLB/Leading the Learning Community
Hours: 3
This capstone course is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of program objectives. The student will review Principal Standards in preparation for the Masters Comprehensive Examination. Concurrent enrollment in EDAD 510. Prerequisites: EDAD 515, EDAD 595, EDAD 526, EDAD 556, EDAD 519, EDAD 561, EDAD 569, and EDAD 507. Corequisites: EDAD 510.

EDAD 556 - Building Capacity for Powerful Learning
Hours: 3
This school leadership course is designed to develop the candidate's knowledge and skills of human resources, the budgetary process, and the financial accounting system. The human resources section will focus on personnel management and instructional supervision skills needed to create an effective learning environment for all students. The budgeting and finance sections will focus on performance-based projects related to budget planning and development, resource acquisition and allocation, the accounting code system, and the school finance system. Prerequisites: EDAD 515, and EDAD 595.

EDAD 561 - Culturally Responsive Campus Leadership for 21st Century Schools
Hours: 3
The purpose of this course will be to critically examine variables of race, ethnicity, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, language, and poverty, as well as factors of power, legitimacy, cultural competence and other components impacting learning in PK-12 education systems at the state, national and international levels. Emphasis will be placed on the development of campus leaders who: provide ethical leadership through advocacy for children; ensure student access to effective educators, programs, and services; and create a positive, collaborative, and equitable culture among all stakeholders of the campus and greater educational community. Prerequisites: EDAD 515, EDAD 595, EDAD 526, and EDAD 556.

EDAD 567 - Admin. Positive Behavior
Hours: 3
Administering the Campus Culture to Promote Positive Student Behaviors - Three semester hours Emphasizes practical approaches and strategies to enable school leaders to build capacity in faculty and staff to manage student behavior in educational settings.

EDAD 569 - Instructional Leadership
Hours: 3
The scope of this course is designed to equip highly effective school leaders through a comprehensive analysis of improving teaching and learning through the intentional focus on instructional supervision and evaluation. Conceptual frameworks align with research-driven practices that prepare the novice principal to assess, plan, supervise and evaluate high leverage instructional practices that advance student learning and build educator capacity. Prerequisites: EDAD 515, EDAD 595, EDAD 526, EDAD 556, EDAD 519, and EDAD 561.

EDAD 574 - Developing Quality Instructional Programs
Hours: 3
Developing Quality Instructional Programs. Three semester hours. The course explores the principles of administering instructional programs through development of a continuous improvement process utilizing a learning community. These principles are inclusive of the Instructional Leadership Development Model required for administrative certification in Texas. Prerequisites: EDAD 515, EDAD 526 and EDAD 556.

EDAD 589 - Independent Study
Hours: 1-4
Independent Study - Hours: One to four Individualized instruction/research at an advanced level in a specialized content area under the direction of a faculty member. Prerequisites Consent of department head. Note May be repeated when the topic varies.

EDAD 594 - Navigating the Pol Dyna of ED
Hours: 3
Navigating the Political Dynamics of Education. Three semester hours. (Same as PSci 594). This is an elective educational leadership course to develop candidates who have the knowledge and ability to promate the success of all students by understanding, responding to, and influencing the larger political context of education. Emphasis will be placed on leading a learning community by navigating the political dynamics determining educational policy at the school and district levels of organization.

EDAD 595 - Using Research for Best Practice
Hours: 3
This course provides an overview of quantitative and qualitative research designs used in the field of education in order to implement instructional best practices. Emphasis is placed on the process and consumption of research. The student is required to demonstrate competence in developing and refining research techniques for best practices through the creation of a research proposal. Prerequisites: (or co-requisite) EDAD 515.

EDAD 597 - Special Topics
Hours: 1-4
Special Topics. One to four semester hours. Organized class. May be repeated when topics vary.

EDAD 601 - Foundations of Educational Administration
Hours: 3
This course will provide students an opportunity to study the philosophical, psychological and sociological dimensions of educational administration in a historical, as well as, contemporary contest. Prerequisites: Doctoral status.

EDAD 602 - Comm for Effect Learning
Hours: 3
Communicating for Effective Learning. Three semester hours. This course is designed to provide prospective school leaders with the opportunity to assess and improve verbal, written, and oral communication skills. The course focuses on group dynamics, conflict management, team building and overcoming communication obstacles to impact improved student learning. Prerequisites: EDAD 574, 595, 615, 626.

EDAD 603 - Introduction to Graduate Statistics
Hours: 3
Introduction to Graduate Statistics Course provides an introduction to statistical methods. It will include a basic introduction to research design, The use of SPSS will be integrated into the course. Content will include populations and samples, organizing and displaying data, probability, normal distribution, tests of significance, correlation and simple regression, Z and T test and Chi Square test. The course meets the requirements for a Level II research tool course. Prerequisites: Doctoral Standing. EDAD 601, EDAD 664, EDAD 695, and EDAD 637.

EDAD 604 - Intermediate Graduate Statistics
Hours: 3
This course provides additional training in statistics. It will cover basic statistical concepts of validity and reliability. It will include instruction in using and interpreting tests of statistical tests including: advanced correlational methods, multiple regression, t-tests, ANOVA, two-way factorial ANOVA, and selected nonparametric tests. The use of SPSS will be integrated into the course. This course meets the requirements for a Level III research tool course. Prerequisites: Doctoral Standing. EDAD 601, EDAD 695, EDAD 671, EDAD 637, EDAD 639, EDAD 603, EDAD 664, EDAD 634 and EDAD 698.

EDAD 611 - Sch Dist CEO Lead: The Practicum
Hours: 1-3
The practicum is the process and product that results from applying the knowledge and skills defined by the six National Standards for School District Leadership and the State Competencies for the Standard Superintendent Certificate. Candidates for School District Leadership will participate in planned activities during the Superintendent Practicum. Application of standards-based knowledge and skills and research in real settings over time is the critical aspect of the practicum. Prerequisites: Principal certification and admission into the superintendent certification program or doctoral status. EDAD 651, EDAD 627, EDAD 620. Corequisites: EDAD 628.

EDAD 612 - Exam Iss Trends in Sch Leader
Hours: 0-3
Examining Issues and Trends in School Leadership. Three semester hours. The purpose of this elective course is to provide an opportunity to study a current and identified administrative or leadership issue in a specific school district or combination of districts. With departmental approval this course may be repeated when the issues of topics differ. Pre-requisite: EDAD 615

EDAD 614 - Leading Learning Communities Internship
Hours: 3
Leading Learning Communities Practicum. Three semester hours over two semesters. One of four culminating courses that develop candidates for school leadership by providing opportunities to synthesize, practice, and apply knowledge in actual school settings while collaboratively planning and being guided by a practicing school leader/mentor. Over two semesters of internship activities, students collect artifacts that are used to create a professional portfolio to demonstrate preparedness for leading learning communities. Prerequisites: EDAD 615, EDAD 626, EDAD 656, EDAD 619 and EDAD 574.

EDAD 618 - Leading the Learning Community:Capstone
Hours: 3
The purpose of EDAD 618: Leading the School Community online course is to gain an understanding of the Texas Leadership Standards by focusing on real world issues and tasks. Scenarios, case studies, and testing strategies will assist the student in the preparation for taking the Texas Superintendent Certification exam: 195. Prerequisites: EDAD 620, EDAD 627, EDAD 651, EDAD 611, & EDAD 628.

EDAD 620 - School District Instructional Leadership: Human Resources
Hours: 3
This is an integrated School District Instructional Leadership course to develop candidates who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by promoting a positive school culture, providing an effective instructional program, applying best practice to student learning, and designing comprehensive professional growth plans for staff. The course includes school district policy (legal and local) as well as key legal cases related to human resource issues. In addition, the candidates will develop competencies for the Standard Superintendent Certificate in school district instructional leadership of human resources. Prerequisites: Principal certification and admission into the superintendent certification program or doctoral status.

EDAD 622 - Lead/Man Org Chge for Improv
Hours: 0-3
Leading and Managing Organizational Change for Improvements. Three semester hours. This course examines the processes for successfully initiating and implementing improvements in organizations. Issues related to commitment, strategic development, dealing with resistance, creating new organizational cultures, and evaluating and predicting intended results are included. Application of theories and models of improving and changing individual and organizational behavior will be studied. Not eligible for doctoral credit. Prerequisites: EDAD 574, 595, 626.

EDAD 627 - School District Organizational Leadership: Finance
Hours: 3
This is an integrated course to develop candidates who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by managing the organization, operations, and resources in a way that promotes a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment and develop competencies for the Standard Superintendent Certificate in school district organizational leadership in finance. In addition, the candidates will develop an understanding of the legal requirements for school finance/budgeting at the local and state level. Prerequisites: Principal certification and admission into the superintendent certification program or doctoral status.

EDAD 628 - School District CEO Leadership: The Superintendency
Hours: 3
Through visionary, collaborative, ethical, and political leadership the candidates for superintendency will develop the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students as the School District CEO. In addition, candidates will gain an understanding of the Texas Leadership Standards by focusing on real world issues and tasks, scenarios, and case studies. Testing strategies will assist the student in the preparation for taking the Texas Superintendent Certification Exam: TExES 195 Prerequisites: Principal certification and admission into the superintendent certification program or doctoral status Program. EDAD 651, EDAD 627, EDAD 620. Corequisites: EDAD 611.

EDAD 634 - Examining the Dynamics of Change and Conflict Resolution in Educational Systems
Hours: 3
Examining the Dynamics of Change and Conflict Resolution in Educational Systems. Three semester hours. This course is an in-depth, advanced examination of the emerging body of contemporary literature in change theory and conflict management within education organizational systems. The course includes a culminating experience with students developing their own scholarly driven change model as it applies to their education organizational context. Prerequisites: Doctoral Status. EDAD 695, EDAD 671, EDAD 601, EDAD 664, EDAD 639, EDAD 603, and EDAD 637.

EDAD 636 - Economics of Education
Hours: 3
Economics in Education. Three semester hours. An advanced study course is the exploration into the economics associated with public education. Each student will utilize a critical analysis of educational policies, reforms and educational markets from an economic perspective by examining historical, contemporary and post-modern literature in human capitol theory, demographics and societal trends and the economic impact of schools and schooling on the local, state, federal and international economic and societal systems. Prerequisite: Doctoral status.

EDAD 637 - Advanced Organizational Behavior in Education
Hours: 3
The application of theories of organizational behavior to the problems of educational institutions. Through the examination and application of theories including but not limited to leadership, decision-making, communication, motivation, power and influence, group dynamics, and change, this course is designed to develop diagnostic and problem-solving skills necessary for successful leadership of educational organizations. Prerequisites: Doctoral status. EDAD 601 and EDAD 695.

EDAD 639 - Educational Program Evaluation for School Leaders
Hours: 3
Theory and practice of evaluation including research methods and design strategies to measure program outcomes; skills to evaluate personnel and projects included as components of evaluation models and management of educational evaluation functions; skills in preparing and communicating evaluation findings. Prerequisites: Doctoral Status. EDAD 601, EDAD 664, EDAD 695, and EDAD 637.

EDAD 641 - School District Instructional Leadership: Curriculum
Hours: 3
This integrated School District Instructional Leadership course will develop candidates who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by promoting a positive school culture, providing an effective instructional program, applying best practice to student learning, and designing comprehensive professional growth plans for staff and develop the competencies for the Standard Superintendent Certificate in school district instructional leadership of curriculum. Prerequisites: Doctoral Status. EDAD 601, EDAD 671, EDAD 695, EDAD 637, EDAD 639, EDAD 664, EDAD 634, EDAD 698, EDAD 647, EDAD 604, and EDAD 603. Corequisites: EDAD 620.

EDAD 647 - Ethics and Philosophy of Educational Administration
Hours: 3
This course will provide students an opportunity to apply the concepts of ethics and philosophy to the personal and professional aspects of school organization, operation, and leadership. Students will apply these concepts in fashioning reasoned decisions, thoughtful analyses, and problem solving events. Prerequisites: Doctoral status. EDAD 601, EDAD 695, EDAD 671, EDAD 637, EDAD 664, EDAD 639, EDAD 603, EDAD 634, and EDAD 698.

EDAD 651 - School District Organizational Leadership: Facilities
Hours: 3
This is an integrated course to develop candidates who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by managing the organization, operations, and resources in a way that promotes a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment. Candidates will review case studies based on legal challenges related to construction and facilities. In addition, candidates will develop competencies for the Standard Superintendent Certificate in school district organizational leadership of facilities. Prerequisites: Principal certification and admission into the superintendent certification program or doctoral status.

EDAD 652 - Enh Sch Perf Eff Public/Comm
Hours: 0-3
Enhancing School Performance Through Effective Public and Community Relations. Three semester hours. This course focuses on assisting district and campus leaders in creating and using effective public relations to achieve organizational goals and enhance professional success. Educational leaders plan and apply strategic ongoing internal and external communications to build and maintain key relationships that form meaningful partnerships to enhance school performance and student achievement.

EDAD 654 - Culturally Responsive Leadership
Hours: 3
The purpose of this course will be to critically examine culturally responsive leadership philosophies, practices, and policies to insure inclusive learning communities which honor students with respect to race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, genetic information or those who would otherwise qualify for services under the ADA umbrella. The culturally responsive practices addressed in the course will focus on promoting high expectations for all students with regard to social, emotional and academic development; understanding the history, values, and culture of students; developing a critical consciousness to challenge inequities in the larger society; and the identification and analysis of organizational structures at the campus, district and state levels to im

EDAD 655 - Executive Communications
Hours: 3
The goal of this course is for students to develop the knowledge and skills necessary for a communication plan that will effectively articulate the district’s vision, mission, and priorities to all educational stakeholders and the mass media. Additionally, this course expands one’s understanding how to effectively communicate to a diverse community of learners, build consensus, mediate conflicts, and implement an internal and external communication plan. The course is practical in nature and is designed to introduce students to many aspects of communication.

EDAD 658 - School Crisis Leadership
Hours: 3
This course will provide students with tools, communication techniques, and research-based methods to assist in the prevention of and recovery from school crisis. Students will gain skills to establish safe learning environments and lead students, faculty, and other school stakeholders through potential crisis. Prerequisites: Doctoral Status.

EDAD 663 - Doc Writing Auth Diss
Hours: 3
Doctoral Writing-Authoring the Doctoral Dissertation - Three semester hours Description : This course serves as an introductory class in the dissertation writing process. The focus of the course is the development of advanced academic writing. Course topics include topic statements, significance statements, of their proposed research and development, and reviews of literature.

EDAD 664 - Doctoral Writing - Prospectus Development
Hours: 3
This course serves as an intermediate class in the dissertation writing process. The focus of the course is the development of advanced academic writing. Course topics include theoretical frameworks, advanced reviews of literature, and alignment of research questions and research methodologies. Prerequisites: Doctoral Status. EDAD 601, and EDAD 695.

EDAD 671 - Governance and Politics of Educational Organizations
Hours: 3
This doctoral student only seminar is designed to provide students with the opportunity to create and/or refine their understanding of educational governance and politics of the environment. This understanding will be built as students acquire knowledge and skills from theories, research, and current practices related to governance and policy development in education. In addition, the course is structured to provide students with the opportunity to explore and understand current issues in school governance, policy formulation, and related legal issues. Students should be able to utilize this understanding of educational governance and policy in their formal and informal studies in the field of educational administration. Prerequisite: Doctoral status. EDAD 601, EDAD 695, EDAD 637, and EDAD 664.

EDAD 689 - Independent Study
Hours: 1-4
Independent Study. One to four semester hours. Individualized instruction/research at an advanced level in a specialized content area under the direction of a faculty member. May be repeated when the topic varies. Prerequisites: Doctoral status.

EDAD 695 - Research Methodology
Hours: 3
(Same as Coun/EDCI/Psy) An overview of research methodology including basic concepts employed in quantitative and qualitative research methods. Includes computer applications for research. This is an approved Level I doctoral research tools course. Prerequisite: Doctoral status or consent of the instructor.

EDAD 697 - Special Topics
Hours: 3
Special Topics. One to four semester hours. Organized class. May be repeated when topics vary. Prerequisite: Doctoral status.

EDAD 698 - Qualitative Research Methods
Hours: 3
This is an approved Level IV research tools course. Using the foundation of the following qualitative research approaches: critical ethnography, phenomenology, case studies, grounded theory, and defining cultural themes and patterns, as a basis of all thick description, this course moves into the sociological/ anthropological roots of qualitative research. It assists the student in understanding how the problem statement must be related to the methodology and the outcome of the research, assists students in selecting proper qualitative methods, and allows students to pursue those methods within the general framework of the class. Students are urged to develop solid conceptual framework from the social sciences and to formulate reason Prerequisites: Doctoral Status. EDAD 601, EDAD 664, EDAD 637, EDAD 695, EDAD 639, EDAD 671, and EDAD 603.

EDAD 699 - Resident Doctoral Seminar
Hours: 3
Only doctoral students fulfilling their residency requirement may register for this course. Students will be guided and assisted in the development of dissertation proposals, writing dissertation chapters, design, data analysis, preparing articles for publication, proposing of papers for conferences and professional meetings, etc. Emphasis will be placed on the student working with their chairs and committee members in these activities. Prerequisites: Doctoral Status. EDAD 601, EDAD 671, EDAD 637, EDAD 664, EDAD 695, EDAD 639, EDAD 603, EDAD 647, EDAD 604, EDAD 634, and EDAD 698.

EDAD 701 - Active Doc Students
Hours: 0

EDAD 718 - Doctoral Dissertation
Hours: 3-12
A candidate must present a dissertation acceptable to the student's advisory committee and the Dean for Graduate Studies and Research on a problem in the area of specialization. To be acceptable the dissertation must give evidence that the candidate has pursued a program of research, the results of which reveal superior academic competence and a significant contribution to knowledge. Graded on a (S) satisfactory or (U) unsatisfactory basis. Prerequisites: Comprehensive exams, Residency, and Candidacy.