Ag, Leadership, Ed, & Communications

ALEC 530 - History and Philosophy of Agricultural and Career Education
Hours: 3
(Same As AFE 530) This course is designed to provide a historical perspective of the development and execution of school based agricultural education, educational philosophy/philosophers, and educational theory with a purpose to better understand and communicate modern agricultural education and hone one’s personal educational philosophy. Crosslisted with: AFE 530.

ALEC 531 - Experiential Learning Theory and Application in Agricultural Career and Family Education
Hours: 3
(Same As AFE 531) This course will examine experiential learning in light of Kolb’s experiential learning model and the three-circle model of agricultural education. The overarching goal is to make you more familiar with the concepts such that you will incorporate the concepts in your program in a practical manner. Crosslisted with: AFE 531.

ALEC 535 - Leading and Communicating Contemporary Issues in Agriculture
Hours: 3
This course is an evaluation of current issues pertaining to leadership in agriculture including a historical look at leadership and its impact on producers and consumers. Content and teaching will promote understanding of the agricultural industry with a focus on advocacy, written, online, and oral communications.

ALEC 560 - Laboratory Management in Agricultural, Family, and Career Technical Education
Hours: 3
This course is designed to give students certifying to teach secondary agricultural education through the online alternative certification program an overview of managing and safety related to various laboratories involved in teaching at a school-based agricultural education program or in FCS and CTE

ALEC 570 - Instructional Management
Hours: 3
(Same as AFE 570) Provides students with a review of the ethical and pedagogical principles and practices needed to organize and deliver instructional programs in Agricultural Sciences and Family and Consumer Sciences. Crosslisted with: AFE 570.

ALEC 571 - Program Development
Hours: 3
(Same As AFE 571) This course addresses the theoretical and practical principles of planning, funding, and conducting effective educational programs in Agricultural Sciences and Family and Consumer Sciences. Crosslisted with: AFE 571.

ALEC 573 - Practicum in Teaching
Hours: 3
(Same As AFE 573) Supervised teaching practicum in Agricultural Science or Family and Consumer Sciences at the secondary level. Course includes field-based teaching component and monthly seminars on strategies and issues related to the teaching profession. Crosslisted with: AFE 573.

ALEC 574 - Assessment & Evaluation
Hours: 3
(Same As AFE 574) Theories and techniques used in assessing student learning and skill development and evaluating educational programs in Agricultural Science and Family and Consumer Sciences. Crosslisted with: AFE 574.

ALEC 579 - Field Experience in Teaching
Hours: 3
(Same as AFE 579) Fifteen week supervised teaching internship in agriculture or family and consumer sciences at the secondary or postsecondary level. Crosslisted with: AFE 579.