RDG 350 - Reading and Literacy I
Hours: 3
This introductory course will emphasize the foundations of the science of teaching reading and literacy. Teacher candidates will explore how reading, literacy, and cognitive processes are developed. Fifteen hours of clinical observation will provide time observations of children and teachers in field settings to connect theory with actual practice. The focus of this course is an examination of how to implement TEKS when facilitating literacy acquisition and development. The course includes teaching approaches, text genres, writing, listening, speaking, linguistics, cueing systems, phonemic awareness, phonics, word recognition, vocabulary development, spelling, fluency, and instructional resources. Prerequisites: Minimum overall GPA of 2.50 and must have passed TSI.
RDG 360 - Word Analysis Skills
Hours: 3
This course examines the English phonological system used in reading and writing. The focus of this course is an examination of the competencies and TEKS related to word analysis skills of all learners. Specific attention is given to phonics and phonemic awareness and, the strategies that are useful to readers and writers in the development and assessment of word knowledge and word analysis. Prerequisites: RDG 350; ELED 300 co- or pre-requisite; Minimum overall GPA of 2.75
RDG 370 - Reading & Literacy II
Hours: 3
This course builds upon the foundations of reading presented in RDG 350. The teacher candidates will explore the science of teaching reading and writing, with a particular focus on comprehension. The course is designed to deepen candidates' knowledge and skill in the science of teaching reading and deals with cognition, writing workshop, books from multiple genres, basal readers, and summative and formative assessments. The course emphasizes strategies for developing comprehension and the teacher's role in helping the K-12 student utilize the five components of reading. Prerequisites: RDG 350 and ELED 300; Minimum overall GPA of 2.75.
RDG 380 - Comprehension and Vocabulary in Middle and High Schools
Hours: 3
The preservice teacher will explore the science of teaching reading and the integration of best practices for supporting reading and writing instruction in content areas. Students will examine strategies for various disciplines and middle/secondary levels. Attention will be given to how teachers support students in reading textbooks and other learning materials. The course will include phonics, phonemic awareness, reading comprehension, vocabulary development, fluency, writing processes, and assessments. Prerequisites: Minimum overall GPA of 2.75; must be TSI complete.
RDG 417 - Reading and Learning in the Content Area
Hours: 3
This course emphasizes reading comprehension and strategies for interacting with expository materials. The following are examined: the role of text in reading, text analysis methods, content area reading lesson formats, teacher-directed strategies, reader based strategies, levels of thought/questioning, and infusing literature into the content curriculum. Crosslisted with: EDCI 517.
RDG 448 - Supporting Literacy Development of Emergent Bilingual Learners in Field Based Setting
Hours: 3
Attention will be given to the development of reading fluency and written communications in the content areas with emergent bilingual learners. The use of language assessments and student data for instructional decision-making will be explored. Prerequisites: Full Admission to the Teacher Education Program through placement in a NET CPDT Center for Internship.
RDG 450 - Middle School Reading: Theory & Practice
Hours: 3
Middle School Reading: Theory & Practice - Three semester hours. This course focuses on schema theory, metacognitive theory, critical theory, reader response theory, transactional theory, and social cultural theory as each applies to teaching reading at the middle levels. Comprehension processes for both narrative and expository text will be explored for traditional text and the emerging technologies that encompass literacy. Demonstration of effective strategies to support struggling readers and experience with reading assessments will be included. Prerequisites: Full Admission to the Teacher Education Program through placement in a NET CPDT Center for Internship.
RDG 489 - Independent Study
Hours: 1-4
Independent Study. One to four semester hours. Individualized instruction/research at an advanced level in a specialized content area under the direction of a faculty member. May be repeated when the topic varies. Prerequisite: Consent of department head.
RDG 490 - H - Honors Thesis
Hours: 3
RDG 491 - H Ind Honors Rdgs
Hours: 3
RDG 497 - Special Topics
Hours: 3
Special Topics. One to four semester hours. Organized class. May be graded on a satisfactory (S) or unsatisfactory (U) basis. may be repeated when the topic varies.