Photography Courses

PHO 1301 - Photography Appreciation
Hours: 3
This course examines the relationship between photography and contemporary culture. Special attention is given to photography’s influence in a range of disciplines from visual art to pop culture to social issues. Three semester hours.

PHO 2356 - Introduction to Digital Media
Hours: 3
(3 lecture, 3 studio) This is an intensive semester-long course in which you will learn the technical and conceptual tools to understand the basics of digital media as well as begin to learn the language of the visual narrative. You'll begin to explore the photographic fundamentals of composition and lighting.

PHO 2357 - Basic Photography
Hours: 3
(3 lecture, 3 studio) The primary learning objectives are related to digital camera techniques and controls in the context of the creative process. Students will learn the operation of aperture, shutter speed, and ISO, as well as the characteristics of different lenses as they relate to specific photographic requirements. This class will also explore advanced color and printing techniques and introduce sound and video. Students must have a fully adjustable digital camera for this class.

PHO 209 - Introduction to Video
Hours: 3
This course introduces the basic technical and conceptual skills of working with video. Students study basics of contemporary video and audio recording technology, video editing software, and visual storytelling. Through both group and individual projects, students will build a video-based portfolio by the end of the course. Prerequisites: PHO 2356 Intro to Digital Media.

PHO 210 - Introduction to Studio Lighting
Hours: 3
(3 lecture, 3 studio) This course introduces the use of advanced studio and location lighting to create photographic illustrations in controlled environments. Lighting techniques are demonstrated and applied in a series of photographic exercises of both tabletop and portraiture. Medium format digital cameras and electronic flash are used to attain control of design, composition, contrast and color temperature. Along with the physical principles of light, concentration on aspects of design, composition, perception and content with an emphasis on technical mastery of photography studio equipment will be addressed Prerequisites: PHO 2357 Basic Photography I.

PHO 341 - Commercial Photography
Hours: 3
This course introduces students to the innovation, evolving technologies, marketing strategies, and business practices employed in the field of professional photography. Students solve real-world client-based needs by applying both traditional design methods and innovative approaches to photography, video and multimedia. Repeatable to 8 semester hours. Prerequisites: PHO 2357 & PHO 210.

PHO 350 - Advanced Digital Photography
Hours: 3
This course places increased emphasis on the computer as a tool for the enhancement of photographic images and illustration. Repeatable up to 6 hours. Prerequisites: PHO 2357.

PHO 360 - B&W Darkroom Techniques
Hours: 3
This course examines traditional wet darkroom techniques, including film cameras and processing, exposure, development and printing silver-gelatin paper. The student will explore different films, papers and processing techniques and how they relate to perception and content in traditional black-and-white photography. Repeatable up to 6 hours. Prerequisites: PHO 2357.

PHO 369 - Alternative Print Making
Hours: 3-4
Course will explore antique and non-silver processes such as, but not limited to, gum-bichromate, cyanotype, van dyke, along with unconventional photographic processes involving digital negative production, montage, collage, masking, toning, intensification, and reduction. Prerequisites: PHO 112.

PHO 370 - Advanced Video
Hours: 4
This course covers advanced video production utilizing the latest recording technology and video editing equipment. Students study basic equipment operation, video composition, lighting and audio production planning, and visual narrative storytelling. Students work individually and in groups to create video projects. Repeatable up to 8 hours.

PHO 389 - Independent Study
Hours: 1-4

PHO 390 - Location and Event Photography
Hours: 3
This is an intensive semester long course that addresses the technical and conceptual aspects of photographing events and on-location based photographic work. Students will learn about how to address site-specific issues of lighting and the dynamic nature of working at a wide range of events. Students will build a portfolio of work by the end of the semester. Prerequisites: PHO 209, PHO 210, or permission of instructor.

PHO 397 - Special Topics
Hours: 1-4
This course will be an intensive semester long course that addresses contemporary trends in photography. A wide range of topics will be offered such as (but not limited to) commercial applications of photography, photojournalism/documentary, environmental portraiture, and art photography. May be repeated when topics vary. Repeatable to 12 semester hours. Prerequisites: PHO 209, PHO 210, or permission of instructor.

PHO 403 - Business Practices in Photography
Hours: 3
Business Practices in Photography. Three semester hours. This course introduces the student to business practices, copyright law, studio operation, marketing, financial management and other practical matters related to the business of photography. Prerequisites: PHO 112, 209.

PHO 450 - Photography Seminar
Hours: 3
This course is an advanced photography portfolio-building course in which students will work to deepen their photographic practice. It will foster the development of students' creative body of work and their professional practice as photographers. In addition to individual self-driven projects, students will read and discuss writings on current trends in photography. This course will be an intensive semester-long course that addresses contemporary trends in photography. Repeatable up to 8 hours. Prerequisites: PHO 209, PHO 210, or permission of instructor.

PHO 489 - Independent Study
Hours: 1-6
Independent Study. One to Three semester hours. Individualized instruction/research at an advanced level in a specialized content area under the direction of a faculty member. May be repeated when the topic varies. Prerequisite: Consent of a member of the Photography faculty.

PHO 490 - H Honors Thesis
Hours: 3-6

PHO 491 - H Ind Honors Readings
Hours: 3

PHO 495 - Photography Internship
Hours: 3
Approved work experience in photography. Supervision under the guidance of a practicing professional and departmental faculty member. Prerequisites: PHO 210.

PHO 497 - Special Topics
Hours: 1-4
This course will be an intensive semester long course that addresses contemporary trends in photography. A wide range of topics will be offered such as (but not limited to) commercial applications of photography, photojournalism/documentary, environmental portraiture, and art photography. May be repeated when topics vary. Repeatable for credit for 12 hours.