CJCB - Criminal Justice Courses

CJCB 1301 - Introduction to Criminal Justice
Hours: 3
This course provides a historical and philosophical overview of the American criminal justice system, Including the nature, extent, and impact of crime; criminal law; and justice agencies and processes.

CJCB 1306 - Court Systems and Practices
Hours: 3
This course is a study of the court system as it applies to the structures, procedures, practices and sources of law in American courts, using federal and Texas statutes and case law.

CJCB 1307 - Crime in America
Hours: 3
American crime problems in historical perspective, social and public policy factors affecting crime, impact and crime trends, social characteristics of spe¬cific crimes, and prevention of crime.

CJCB 1310 - Fundamentals of Criminal Law
Hours: 3
This course is the study of criminal law including application of definitions, statutory elements, defenses and penalties using Texas statutes, the Model Penal Code, and case law. The course also analyzes the philosophical and historical development of criminal law and criminal culpability.

CJCB 1313 - Juvenile Justice System
Hours: 3
This course is a study of the juvenile justice process to include specialized juvenile law, role of the juvenile law, role of the juvenile courts, role of police agencies, role of correctional agencies, and theories concerning delinquency.

CJCB 2301 - Community Resources in Corrections
Hours: 3
This course is an introductory study of the role of the community in corrections; communi¬ty programs for adults and juveniles; administration of community programs; legal issues; and future trends in community treatment.

CJCB 2313 - Correctional Systems & Practices
Hours: 3
This course is a survey of institutional and non-institutional corrections. Emphasis will be placed on the organization and operation of correctional systems; treatment and rehabilitation; populations served; Constitutional issues; and current and future issues.

CJCB 2314 - Criminal Investigation
Hours: 3
This course examines theories and practices of the investigation process in the criminal justice system and analyzes information and application of operational techniques relating to crime scenes, forensic sciences, interviews, and interrogations; as well as, the study of issues concerning rules of evidence, trial testimony, and other constitutional processes.

CJCB 2323 - Aspects of Law Enforcement
Hours: 3
This course examines police authority; responsibilities; constitutional constraints; laws of arrest, search & seizure; and police liability.

CJCB 2328 - Police Systems & Practices
Hours: 3
This course examines the establishment, role and function of police in a democratic society. It will focus on types of police agencies and their organizational structure, police-community interaction, police ethics, and use of authority.

CJCB 100 - CBE - Orientation
Hours: 0
This course will serve as an orientation for those entering the CJCB program, highlighting the expectations and requirements of the program.

CJCB 302 - 21st Century Policing
Hours: 3
An introduction to policing strategies as best practices designed to help agencies promote effective crime reduction while building public trust and safeguarding officer well-being. Areas of emphasis are internal processes affecting culture, policy, administrative process, and training; as well as external processes affecting transparency, community engagement, and interactions with various populations.

CJCB 303 - Ethics, Values and Professionalism in Policing
Hours: 3
An examination of the nature and importance of police ethics and the factors that affect police integrity in today’s world, such as political factors and legal restrictions; all of which that would require professional communication skills and problem-solving strategies.

CJCB 304 - Critical Incident Decision Management
Hours: 3
This course helps prepare emergency response officials tasked with the critical incident command, specifically police operations, and provides them with the knowledge, skills and best practices and procedures essential to the effective and efficient planning and direction of such operations in crisis situations.

CJCB 305 - Communication
Hours: 3
This course concentrates on effective communication of law enforcement and criminal justice professionals for a range of audiences: the public, media, court officials, etc. Focusing on both oral and written communication, students will improve their general public speaking abilities, apply principles of de-escalation, and understand why communication is essential to the role of police in today’s society.

CJCB 306 - Officer Wellness
Hours: 3
Wellness, as a multi-dimensional phenomenon will be examined, including physical, emotional, mental well-being, especially as it relates to concerns associated with policing. Support resources for police, co-workers, family and significant others will also be explored.

CJCB 307 - Technical Writing
Hours: 1
This course teaches students to write documents for professional and general audiences, research reports, and other documents appropriate to the field of criminal justice. Corequisites: CJCB 308 : Crime Analysis.

CJCB 308 - Crime Analysis
Hours: 2
An introduction to Crime Analysis and an understanding of its application within smaller jurisdictions. Students learn how to design, fund, establish, and staff a crime analysis unit using evidence and statistical data for a smaller jurisdiction. This is a data analysis and applied statistics course that emphasizes interpretation and application of data rather than the calculation or algebra behind these numbers. Students will become familiar with common databases used by police organizations. Corequisites: CJCB 307 : Technical Writing

CJCB 309 - Procedural Justice
Hours: 3
Employing the four pillars of procedural justice, students will learn effective ways to increase public trust and confidence in police. This course will strengthen police legitimacy and communication competency with the community and special populations.

CJCB 402 - Leadership
Hours: 3
Managing a successful policing organization requires the application of strong interpersonal leadership skills to work effectively with people in a variety of roles. Students learn effective leadership strategies including improving communication, team effectiveness, change management, conflict resolution, and ethical decision-making practices.

CJCB 403 - Policing the Future
Hours: 3
This course will focus on cutting-edge developments in law enforcement, the problems they pose for policing and the agile management strategies necessary to address them. Topics such as crypto-currency and financial crimes will be presented. Policing strategies such as intelligence-led policing, predictive policing and new technologies that are leveraged to address these new challenges will be analyzed.

CJCB 404 - Critical Shift
Hours: 3
This course prepares students for changing role responsibilities and duties that are often experienced by law enforcement: different carrying out multiple job titles, lateral transfers, sworn and unsworn dynamics. Emphasis will be placed on the mind and skill set necessary for being an effective manager, as well as building culture and motivating for high performance.

CJCB 405 - Evidence-Based Policing
Hours: 3
This course provides students with an analysis of how scientific evidence can be used to create proactive law enforcement decisions. Evidence-based strategy, problem-oriented policing and the implications of this for supervisor leadership roles will be discussed.

CJCB 406 - Implicit bias
Hours: 3
Students will build awareness to understand what unconscious bias is and why it matters. Students will develop skills to recognize and take action to manage bias. Emphasis will be placed on effective management strategies to work for inclusivity in the workplace and with the public.

CJCB 407 - Organizational Culture in Public Safety
Hours: 3
This course examines the interaction between leadership and organizational culture, with an emphasis on their relationship within law enforcement and criminal justice organizations. Develop a personal definition of leadership based on readings and self-disclosure inventories. Develop a clearer understanding of and ability to articulate one’s personal leadership philosophy with emphasis on providing options for future leadership opportunities.

CJCB 408 - Critical Thinking & Decision Making
Hours: 3
This course expands students’ knowledge of the thinking process that guides us through all the phases of generating and evaluating new ideas, and can help organizations solve problems using rational thought and logical decision-making. Students will acquire knowledge to apply to problem-solving and practice situations that enhance decision-making abilities, de-escalation situations, and conflict

CJCB 409 - Homeland Security/Terrorism
Hours: 3
This course prepares law enforcement professionals to face security problems posed by criminal and political terrorism - regionally, nationally, and internationally. It will identify various forms and typologies of terrorist activities, their consequences and preventive measures particularly relevant to criminal justice professionals, law enforcement and military personnel.

CJCB 499 - Capstone
Hours: 3
Students critically apply theories and evidence-based best practices learned to throughout the program to apply to contemporary challenges in urban policing and crime prevention including, but not limited to, police culture, patrol methods, the war on drugs, corruption, “broken windows”, use of force, race, police/community relations, and terrorism.