College of Science and Engineering

Location: Ag/ET Building, Room 116, 903-886-5321
Dean: Dr. Andrea Graham
Associate Dean: Dr. Kent Montgomery

The College of Science & Engineering consists of the following academic departments: Biological & Environmental Sciences, Chemistry, Computer Science & Information Systems, Engineering & Technology, Mathematics, and Physics & Astronomy.
Programs of study are dedicated to changing lives with a strong emphasis on challenging opportunities to build solutions and generate new knowledge for our complex and interrelated world.  Undergraduate degree programs are designed to provide:

  • the analytical and computational foundation for the University Core Curriculum
  • preparation for graduates to enter or advance in professional careers
  • preparation for graduates to be competitive for admission into a graduate program or professional school

Graduate degrees help students achieve mastery in a STEM discipline to further advance an individual in a career field and/or preparation for doctoral studies at leading institutions throughout the world.
The College of Science & Engineering also offers a wide variety of pre-professional and professional programs and works closely with the College of Education & Human Services by offering several content areas for teacher education and certification.

CoSE Academic Advising and Student Success

Advisors: Casey Richards, Katelyn Williams, and Kristi Geckler.

Contact: CoSE Academic Advising,, Waters Library Suite 231.

CoSE Academic Advising & Student Success provides information regarding academic matters to increase student success and facilitate graduation.  Academic advising services are available year round for students in the College of Science & Engineering.

The responsibility for advising students is shared between Faculty Advisors and CoSE Academic Advising & Student Success.  Undergraduate Faculty Advisors have an in-depth knowledge of the majors and professional field requirements offered by the College of Science & Engineering.  CoSE Academic Advising & Student Success helps students understand the university procedures and facilitate student success by providing resources and tools to students.


Innovation and Discovery.  That is our charge and our pledge. The faculty and staff of the College of Science & Engineering accept the responsibility to join our students in shaping an innovative framework to build a better Texas eager to compete in an interconnected world with creativity, ethical leadership, and imagination. We don't just discover the future, we make it.


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