Management and Economics

Wallace Williams (Department Head)
Location: McDowell Administration Building, Room 336, 903-886-5703, Fax 903-886-5702

The Management and Economics Department produces professionals who are able to lead people and manage resources to create value. We do this by developing marketable skills through high-quality delivery of content and engagement with external stakeholders. The Department of Management and Economics offers the Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) degree with the option of two majors: Management or General Business.  We also offer a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (B.S.) with a required Interdisciplinary Studies minor.

To earn a degree in these areas, a student must:

  1. meet all University requirements previously specified;
  2. satisfy Core Curriculum Requirements and
  3. complete courses in the College of Business core curriculum (refer to those sections of this catalog).

In addition, courses in the major must be completed as shown in each section below. Also, for graduation, a 2.0 (C) grade point average must be achieved overall and in each course in the College of Business.

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ECO 1307 - Economics of Personal Finance
Hours: 3
The course is designed to help students become prepared for a financially challenging world and to introduce the concepts and methods of personal financial planning. The financial planning process, the time value of money, taxation, credit, housing insurance, employee benefits, family economics and building a personal financial plan will be explored. The course is designed to integrate subject matter into a comprehensive format enabling students to understand and demonstrate the ability to develop a personal financial plan and to increase financial literacy. Special Projects include the students reviewing their credit report, creating a debt repayment plan, monitoring their spending habits, identifying their retirement needs.

ECO 2301 - Prin Macro Economics
Hours: 3
Introduces the student to the workings and interrelationships of the U.S. and world economics. Principles of economic analysis including measurement of aggregate economic activity, national income determination, money and banking, monetary and fiscal policy, and business fluctuation. Emphasis is given to analyzing real world problems such as poverty, inflation, unemployment, and economic instability.

ECO 2302 - Principles of Micro Economics
Hours: 3
Principles of Micro Economics. Three semester hours. Introduces the student to the basic concepts and tools of analysis in microeconomics. Focuses on the operation of markets, with emphasis placed on the analysis of current problems such as health care, the environment, crime, education and regulatory reform. A major concern is how prices of individual goods and services are determined and how prices influence decision making.

ECO 302 - Business and Economic Statistics
Hours: 3
This course introduces students to descriptive statistics (measures of central tendency and variation and representing data graphically) and statistical inference. Inference will involve sampling techniques, estimation, hypothesis testing and simple regression. Applications emphasize continuous improvement of products and services.

ECO 309 - Economic Forecasting
Hours: 3
Introduces the student to a variety of econometric and forecasting techniques and their application to business and applied policy analysis. Emphasis will be on enhancing the student’s ability to combine these tools with the latest analytical software/ technology and data in order to test meaningful policy hypotheses. Prerequisites: ECO 2301, 2302; ECO 302.

ECO 331 - Intermediate Macroeconomics
Hours: 3
Intermediate Macroeconomics. Three semester hours. (1) An analysis of national income and its components. Emphasis is placed on the relationship between saving, investment, and employment. Prerequisite: ECO 2301.

ECO 332 - Intermediate Micro Economics
Hours: 3
Intermediate Micro Economics. Three semester hours. (2) Demand, cost, and supply functions of firms; sources of data for their estimation; functions of prices and markets. Application of principles to empirical problems, decisions, and situations. Prerequisite: ECO 2302.

ECO 350 - Professional Practices for Economists
Hours: 3
This course provides students with valuable technical and communication skills for career success, highlighting best practices for navigating job markets. Students will be trained in advanced techniques with leading data management software for economic and operational applications. In addition, this course emphasizes communication skills to maximize the value of the information presented through a custom communications program. Prerequisites: ECO 2301, ECO 2302.

ECO 410 - Environmental Economics
Hours: 3
This course applies the basic analytical tools of economics to explain the interaction between the marketplace and the environment, the implications of that relationship, and an examination of effective solutions. Particular emphasis given to agricultural and other renewable resources. Prerequisites: ECO 2302.

ECO 428 - International Economics/Finance
Hours: 3
An analytical approach to assessing and understanding current impacts international economies have on the United States. Emphasis is on gains from trade, economic growth, exchange rates, price formation, trade policy, and political considerations. Prerequisites: Junior standing. Crosslisted with: ECO 528.

ECO 431 - Internship
Hours: 0-3
This course provides an opportunity for selected students to earn elective credits in Economics through supervised work experience with area business firms under the supervision of a faculty member. Prerequisites: Approval of the department head.

ECO 456 - Health Economics
Hours: 3
This course examines the application of economic principles to the allocation of scarce resources in health care; the use of economic theory to understand problems of organization, delivery, and financing of health services; and the choices available to society regarding these issues.

ECO 489 - Independent Study
Hours: 3
Independent Study. One to four semester hours. Individualized instruction/research at an advanced level in a specialized content area under the direction of a faculty member. May be repeated when the topic varies. Prerequisite: Consent of department head.

ECO 490 - H Honors Thesis
Hours: 3-6
Honors Thesis in Economics. Three semester hours. This course satisfies the requirements for honors thesis and oral examination on the student's chosen topic.

ECO 491 - H Honors Readings
Hours: 3
Honors Readings in Economics. Three semester hours. This course satisfies the requirements for honors readings in economics on the student's chosen topics.

ECO 497 - Special Topics
Hours: 0-4
Special Topics. One to four semester hours. Organized class. May be repeated when topics vary.

MGT 301 - Legal Environment of Business
Hours: 3
A study of the legal environment and aspects of commerce, including administrative law, trade restraints, price discrimination, labor and employment law, common and statutory liability and regulation of professionals, elements of contract and tort law, as well as an analysis of basic principles of the foreign and international aspects of business and commerce. Prerequisites: Junior Standing.

MGT 303 - Business Communications
Hours: 3
A study of the fundamentals of writing both formal and informal reports, utilizing primary and secondary research. A team approach is used for problem solving and process improvement. Included is the study of life-long learning skills as related to interpersonal communication and intercultural business communication Prerequisites: Junior standing.

MGT 305 - Principles of Management
Hours: 3
This course provides a comprehensive overview of the general field of management. Its purpose is to familiarize students with basic management concepts and provide insight regarding effective management practices. In addition to closely examining the four basic functions of management—planning, leading, organizing, and controlling—topics such as organizational structure and design, communication, motivation and rewards, leadership, groups and teams, and organizational change and innovation will also be explored. Prerequisites: Junior standing.

MGT 307 - Operations Management
Hours: 3
This course is an introduction to the concepts, principles, problems, and practices of operations management. Emphasis is on managerial processes for effective operations in both goods-producing and service-rendering organizations. Topics include operations strategy, process design, capacity planning, facilities location and design, forecasting, production scheduling, inventory control, quality assurance, and project management. The topics are integrated using a systems model of the operations of an organization. Prerequisites: Junior standing, BUSA 128 or BUSA 1305 or MIS 128 or CSCI 126 or COSC 1301.

MGT 308 - Entrepreneurship
Hours: 3
This course introduces students to the challenges of owning, operating, and marketing a successful small business and the need for entrepreneurial focus in large firms. Prerequisites: Junior standing, MGT 305, MKT 306 or permission of instructor.

MGT 315 - Organizational Behavior
Hours: 3
This course introduces students to basic theories and models of management and human behavior in professional organizations. Specifically, the course focuses on three levels of analyses – individual, group and organizational. Specific topics such as personality and individual differences, motivation, leadership, groups and teams, and organizational behavior in global contexts will be covered in detail. Prerequisites: Junior standing.

MGT 330 - The Entrepreneur
Hours: 3
This course is geared towards gaining theoretical and applied understanding of the entrepreneur and entrepreneurial lifestyle. In particular, this course addresses the implications of personality, attitudes, ethical challenges, environmental scanning and opportunity recognition mind-frame, biases and heuristics, decision-making processes, on the life of an entrepreneur. Prerequisites: Junior standing.

MGT 340 - Quality Management and Improvement
Hours: 3
This course examines (1) the primary tools and methods used to monitor and control quality in organizations and (2) the ways in which quality can be improved. Included in the course are such topics as the historical development of quality management, the seven basic tools for quality improvement, and management strategies for implementing world class quality improvement strategies. Emphasis is also given to control chart analysis and process capability study. Prerequisites: Junior standing.

MGT 350 - Corporate Governance & Sustainability
Hours: 3
The class presents an in-depth examination of the issues related to corporate governance in an ethical society. General theories of governance provide a foundation for an examination of the role governance decisions play in promoting the long-run sustainability of the community in which the firm operates. Global comparative analysis will help identify best practices in internal and external governance mechanisms. Prerequisites: Junior standing.

MGT 360 - Sustainable Leadership
Hours: 3
This course explores the dynamic intersection of leadership principles and sustainable practices. Students explore the multifaceted world of leadership through the lens of sustainability, gaining a comprehensive understanding of how effective leadership can drive positive environmental, social, and economic outcomes. Students will develop the skills and knowledge necessary to navigate contemporary, complex challenges, while promoting sustainability at all levels of society and organizations. Prerequisites: Junior standing.

MGT 370 - New Venture Management
Hours: 3
The purpose of this course is to teach students about the opportunity recognition, analysis and exploitation process. Students will learn to scan the environment for opportunities and develop a business plan to help assess the opportunity (market research, market segmentation, industry, competition and financial analysis) and to develop comprehensive plans to exploit the identified opportunity (marketing, operation and financial plan). Prerequisites: Junior standing.

MGT 380 - International Management and Business
Hours: 3
This course is designed to give students a fundamental understanding of the environment in which international business operates and of the management practices required to compete successfully in global markets. Prerequisites: Junior standing.

MGT 389 - Independent Study
Hours: 0-4
Independent Study. One to four semester hours. Individualized instruction/research at an advanced level in a specialized content area under the direction of a faculty member. May be repeated when the topic varies. Prerequisite: Consent of department head.

MGT 390 - Project Management
Hours: 3
This course is geared towards teaching students the fundamentals of project management based on the Project Management Body of Knowledge developed by the Project Management Institute. In particular, students will learn about scope, time, cost, quality, human resource, communication and procurement management and develop a comprehensive project plan accordingly. Prerequisites: Junior Standing.

MGT 394 - Human Resource Management
Hours: 3
This course provides a study of principles, policies and practices related to staffing, employee development, compensation, employee and labor relations in profit, not for-profit, domestic and international organizations. Prerequisites: Junior standing.

Hours: 0-4
Organized class. May be repeated when topics vary.

MGT 410 - Family Business
Hours: 3
Students will explore the business, personal and family issues found in managing an established family business on a day-to-day basis, and planning for the future. These issues include values, life cycles, marketing strategies, succession, conflict resolution, communications, legal, and financial aspects, estate planning, governance and philanthropy. Prerequisites: Junior standing.

MGT 422 - Electronic Commerce
Hours: 3
Electronic Commerce. Three semester hours. (Same as MKT 422) This course exposes students to key strategic management applications relevant to the use of Internet technologies. The goal of the course is to provide students the necessary background of strategic management concepts, technologies, and applications required of businesses wanting to become actively involved in the rapidly growing electronic commerce industry. Some exposure to technical issues will also be provided. Prerequisite: Senior standing.

MGT 430 - Organizational Ethics
Hours: 3
Foundations of ethical principles and their application in contemporary organizational settings. Included are theories of moral philosophy and the development of professional business codes and laws. Special emphasis on emerging ethical challenges in business technology and culture. Prerequisites: Junior Standing.

MGT 431 - Internship
Hours: 0-3
This course provides an opportunity for selected students to earn elective credits in Management through supervised work experience with area business firms under the supervision of a faculty member. Prerequisites: Approval of the department head.

MGT 439 - Business Strategy
Hours: 3
This course provides a business capstone for the study of the overall functioning of various types of organizations. This course includes a brief study of strategic planning including mission statement development, analysis of external environments and internal organizational factors, development of strategic alternatives, selection of appropriate alternatives, implementation of strategies, and competitive strategies and dynamics. Special emphases are given to the integration and coordination of the functional areas within the enterprise. The case method and/or a business simulation will be used to provide practical experience in analysis and decision making in the solution of business problems. Prerequisites: Senior standing; FIN 304; ECO 302; MGT 305, MGT 307; MKT 306.

MGT 441 - Purchasing & Supply Mgmt
Hours: 3
Purchasing and Supply Management. Three semester hours. This course examines the responsibilities related to managing the flow of materials and services into organizations. Traditional purchasing activities of global sourcing, bidding, contract administration and materials management are included in the course. particular focus is given to the strategic issues of managing the supply function and the creative purchasing activities of developing buying strategy, supply research, economic analysis, value analysis, supplier certification and evaluation, and information systems analysis. Prerequisite: Junior standing and MGT 307.

MGT 445 - Retail Management
Hours: 3
(Same as MKT 445) This is a survey course dealing with managerial principles and practices of retail operation, including store location and layout, buying pricing, promotion, services, and inventory control. Prerequisite: MKT 306, MGT 305.

MGT 488 - Strategy
Hours: 0

MGT 489 - Independent Study
Hours: 1-4
Individualized instruction/research at an advanced level in a specialized content area under the direction of a faculty member. May be repeated when the topic varies. Prerequisite: Consent of department head.

MGT 490 - H Honors Thesis
Hours: 3
Honors Thesis. Six semester hours.

Hours: 3
Honors Reading. Three semester hours.

MGT 497 - Special Topic
Hours: 1-4
Organized class. May be repeated when topics vary.

MGT 499 - Comp Exam in Management
Hours: 0

SCM 320 - Strategic Sourcing - Leveraging Supply Chain Laws & Regulations
Hours: 3
Managing supply chains within organizations, while increasingly important, has created problems that have not recently been encountered. Many of these involve the procurement processes and regulations necessary to move products or services to the customer. This course addresses these issues of sourcing, procuring, designing, transporting, and managing material and services throughout the supply chain. Discussions about each area are included, along with the need to develop a strategic plan that encompasses the procurement and supply chain laws & regulations.

SCM 342 - Moving the World: Transportation & Logistics Management
Hours: 3
Supply chains are designed to move material. This makes transportation the most critical and complex component of supply chain design. This course takes a managerial approach to define the roles and concepts associated with transportation. The framework provides both a micro and macro perspective to supply chains, and offers an overview of the operating and service characteristics associated with global transportation. Finally, this course provides an introductory discussion of the operating and service characteristics, cost structure, and current challenges facing those who provide transportation services.

SCM 343 - Essential Supply Chain Inventory & Warehousing Concepts
Hours: 3
This course focuses on the concepts of logistics and inventory management, emphasizing warehousing, facility location, forecasting, transportation, and inventory management. In this course, students learn the role and importance of logistics and inventory management on a firm’s success.

SCM 376 - Managing Global Supply Chains
Hours: 3
Supply Chain design and management has become an ever growing field of study. However, the complexity of the tasks associated with supply chain management make it difficult to manage. Added to this difficulty are the ever increasing global demands for services and products that are available around the world. Organizations find themselves competing in an arena where global competition drives organizations to find ways to provide a strategic advantage, while maintaining a global presence. This course is an introduction to the concepts, principles, problems, and practices of Supply Chain Management. In this course students will learn how supply chains are designed, managed, and improved.

SCM 386 - Supply Chain and Marketing Channels
Hours: 3
This course is an overview of supply chain management, with particular attention given to supply/purchasing, operations, distribution (domestic and global), and integration issues. The course emphasizes Customer Relationship Management and the role of Enterprise Resource Planning solutions in supply chain management

SCM 432 - Supply Chain Analytics
Hours: 3
This course focuses on sound insights and improved decision-making in supply chain management from rigorous data analysis. Students learn how to provide problem solving and decision-making process by integrating analytical methodologies which include the study of important supply chain functions and solution techniques. Additionally, students will gain valuable analytical insights on major supply chain functions which include: demand forecasting, procurement assessment, inventory analysis, transportation, supply and subcontract pricing, and primary logistics.

SCM 489 - Independent Study
Hours: 1-4
Individualized instruction/research at an advanced level in a specialized contentarea under the direction of a faculty member. May be repeated when the topic varies. Prerequisite: Consent of department head.

Augustine C. Arize
Regents Professor
B.S., M.B.A., University of Central Arkansas; Ph.D., North Texas State University.

Guclu Atinc
Professor and Interim Associate Dean
B.S., M.B.A., Troy State University; M.B.A.,D.B.A., Louisiana Tech University

Kishor Guru-Gharana
B.A., M.A. Tribhuvan University; M.A., Southern Methodist University; M.S., University of Texas; Ph.D., Southern Methodist University.

Mario Hayek
Associate Professor
B.B.A., Marymount University; M.B.A., American University; Ph.D., University of Mississippi

Lirong Liu
Associate Professor
B.A., Jilin University; M.A., Kent State University; M.S., Ph.D., University of Tennessee

Gregory Lubiani
Associate Professor
B.B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University of Memphis

Asli K. Ogunc
Professor and Interim Associate Dean
B.B.A., Marmara University; M.B.A., Western Michigan University; M.S., Ph.D., Louisiana State University.

Stephanie Pane
B.S., Texas A&M University; M.S., Ph.D., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

Jared Pickens
Assistant Professional Track Faculty
B.S., Texas Tech University; M.S., Kansas State University; Ed.D., Texas A&M University-Commerce

Brandon Randolph-Seng
B.S., Weber State University, M.S., Georgia Southern University, Ph.D., Texas Tech University

Mojtaba Salarpour
Assistant Professor
B.S. K.N. Toosi University of Technology; M.S. Sharif University of Technology; Ph.D. University of Massachusetts Amherst

Marc Scott
B.S., M.S., Texas A&M University-Commerce, Ph.D., Oklahoma State University

Steven S. Shwiff
B.A., University of Texas; M.A., St. Mary’s University; Ph.D., Texas AM University.

Saurabh Srivastava
Associate Professor
B of Pharmacy, M of Pharmacy, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore, India,; M.B.A., University of Louisiana; Ph.D., University of North Texas

Sonia Taneja
B.S., M.S., University of Delhi; M.S., Texas A&M University-Commerce; Ph.D., Kurukshetra University

Wallace Williams
Associate Professor & Department Head
BA., Morehouse College, Ph.D., University of Mississippi