Criminal Justice B.A.C.J./B.S.C.J.

The major in criminal justice is designed for students who wish to receive the Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice. The curriculum has a multi-disciplinary foundation, is social science oriented, is academic in content, and emphasizes the development of knowledge and skills essential for a broad understanding of the criminal justice system. The objective of the major is to prepare students for entry level positions in law enforcement, juvenile justice, courts, community based corrections, institutional corrections, and other related fields. A second major or a minor is not required for students electing this major.

Core Curriculum Courses
See the Core Curriculum Requirements42
Required core courses
24 semester hours from:24
Introduction to Criminal Justice
Police Systems & Practices
Criminal Investigation
Juvenile Delinquency
Juvenile Justice System
Courts and Criminal Procedure
Law and the Courts
Institutional (jails, prisons) and Community Corrections
Community-Based Corrections
Criminal Justice Internship I
Senior Sem in Criminal Justice
Required support courses
19 semester hours from:19
US-World Cultures: Perspectives from Anthropology *
Introduction to Sociology
Deviant Behavior
Intro to Social Research
Mthds of Stat Analys
Racial and Ethnic Diversity
Abnormal Psychology
Psychology of Personality
Lifespan Development
Forensic Psychology
Electives for Major
12 semester hours from:12
Mass Media and Crime
Crime Profiling
Courts and Criminal Procedure
Criminal Justice Internship I (whichever of the two is not taken as core)
Senior Sem in Criminal Justice
Institutional (jails, prisons) and Community Corrections (whichever of the two is not taken as core)
Community-Based Corrections
Ethics in Criminal Justice
Special Topics
Legal Research
Family Law
GLB/Intro to Global Pub Pol
GLB/Elementary Spanish I
Also, any 300-400 level SOC course. Except: SOC 320, 331, 332, 370, and 485
Additional Electives Required23
Total Hours120

Additional Requirements

  • Students seeking a B.A. degree must fulfill the Foreign Language Requirement
  • A grade of "C" or higher must be earned for all courses required for this major
  • Fifteen Semester hours in CJ courses must be taken at Texas A&M University-Commerce
  • Courses transferred in from a Community College may not count for senior level credit

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CJ 1301 - Introduction to Criminal Justice
Hours: 3
This course provides a historical, philosophical, ethical, and practical overview of the American criminal justice system. It focuses on the nature and defining of crime, its impact on society, and the processes of the justice agencies - law enforcement, courts, and corrections.

CJ 1306 - Courts and Criminal Procedure
Hours: 3
(CRIJ 1306) A survey of federal, state, and local judicial systems with an emphasis on pretrial, trial, and appellate criminal procedure. A description of court structures and roles of the judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys, juries, and other court personnel. Prerequisites: CJ 1301 or equivalent.

CJ 1307 - Crime in America
Hours: 3
American crime problems are studied in the historical perspective. Social and public policy factors affecting crime are discussed. The impact of crime and crime trends are shown along with the social characteristics of specific crimes. The prevention of crime is emphasized.

CJ 1310 - Fundamentals of Criminal Law
Hours: 3
This course is the study of criminal law including application of definitions, statutory elements, defenses and penalties using Texas statutes, the Model Penal Code, and case law. The course also analyzes the philosophical and historical development of criminal law and criminal culpability.Prerequisites: CJ 1301 with a minimum grade of C.

CJ 1313 - Juvenile Justice System
Hours: 3
An overview of the American juvenile justice system with an emphasis on contemporary themes of its different aspects including school violence and drugs. It will explore the juvenile justice system from arrest through intake, prosecution, adjudication, and dispositions. It will also cover the organization, processes, and functions of the juvenile justice system in the United States, its historical antecedents, and contemporary challenges. Consideration is also given to sociopolitical factors in juvenile justice decision-making including surveys of juvenile law and a comparative analysis of adult and juvenile justice systems. Prerequisites: CJ 1301 with a minimum grade of C or SOC 1301 with a mimimum grade of C.

CJ 2301 - Community-Based Corrections
Hours: 3
A study of probation, parole, diversion, pre-trial release, and intermediate sanctions. A critical analysis of the statutes and policies relating to the administration of community-based correctional programs. Prerequisites: CJ 1301 with a minimum grade of C.

CJ 2313 - Correctional Systems
Hours: 3
A theoretical, historical, and pragmatic overview of institutional corrections, including the administration, design, and organization of adult prisons and jails and juvenile detention facilities and reformatories. An examination of punishment and treatment philosophies and objectives. Prerequisites: CJ 1301 with a minimum grade of C or equivalent.

CJ 2314 - Criminal Investigation
Hours: 3
An examination of theories and practices of the investigation process in the criminal justice system. An analysis of information and application of operational techniques relating to crime scenes, forensic sciences, interviews, and interrogations. A study of issues concerning rules of evidence, trial testimony, and other constitutional processes.

CJ 2323 - Legal Aspects of Law Enforcement
Hours: 3
This course covers police authority, responsibilities, and constitutional constraints. Topics include laws of arrest, search and seizure, and police liability.

CJ 2328 - Police Systems & Practices
Hours: 3
This course examines in a general survey format the establishment and functioning of law enforcement in a democratic society. The course will focus on types of police agencies, their organizational structure, administration, police ethics, use of authority and police-community interaction.

CJ 302 - Detection and Investigation
Hours: 3
This course presents methods of gathering and evaluating information (evidence) related to criminal acts, while focusing on the fundamentals and techniques of investigation, the organization and management of the investigative process. A major focus of this course is on the knowledge and skills necessary for law enforcement investigations, while covering preparation and presentation of evidence; and addressing professional standards and ethics. Prerequisites: None.

CJ 326 - Juvenile Delinquency
Hours: 3
The study of the nature, extent, causation, treatment, and prevention of juvenile delinquency. Prerequisite: CJ 1301 with a minimum grade of C.

CJ 328 - Juvenile Justice System
Hours: 3
An overview of the American juvenile justice system with an emphasis on contemporary themes of its different aspects including school violence and drugs. It will explore the juvenile justice system from arrest through intake, prosecution, adjudication, and dispositions. It will also cover the organization, processes, and functions of the juvenile justice system in the United States, its historical antecedents, and contemporary challenges. Consideration is also given to sociopolitical factors in juvenile justice decision-making including surveys of juvenile law and a comparative analysis of adult and juvenile justice systems. Prerequisites: CJ 1301 or SOC 1301.

CJ 330 - Criminology
Hours: 3
The focus of this course is on criminological theories as they address the causation of criminal or deviant behavior. An examination of a range of criminological theories as they point out several explanations grounded in sociological, psychological, and biological perspectives. Prerequisites: CJ 1301; CJ 1306 and/or CJ 1310 and earning at minimum a C grade in each of these courses.

CJ 337 - Statistics for Criminal Justice
Hours: 4
This online course is designed to provide students with a practical, applied approach to understanding the introductory fundamentals of descriptive and inferential statistics and the vital role that research and statistics play in the study of criminology and criminal justice. Students will explore various types of data used within criminal justice and the fundamentals of elementary statistical analysis including the appropriate use of data, limits of various data methods, how data is collected and how to interpret findings. Students will be provided with numerous opportunities to practice statistical analysis and interpretation by using SPSS with real data, including subsets of data from the National Crime Victimization Survey, Monitoring the Future, and the Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Prerequisites: SOC 1301 or SOC 111, and SOC 331 or SWK 350 and MATH 1314 or Math 141, or MATH 1324 or Math 179.

CJ 340 - CJ Policy and Practice
Hours: 3
This course will evaluate various policy dimensions of crime and criminal justice. Students will learn the process through which policy is made, will critically evaluate current criminal justice policies, and will study the impact of policy decisions on criminal justice practice. Prerequisites: CJ 1301.

CJ 360 - Mass Media and Crime
Hours: 3
This course examines the media's effects on perceptions of crime and justice in America. An examination is performed on media-generated crime and criminal justice policies. An example of media-generated crime would be when politicians/media "emphasize" a problem to essentially "create" a crime or crime wave. A discussion of the effect of social constructionism and the ability of the various types of media to create a new type of crime will occur. An investigation of the impact of various types of media (radio, television, motion pictures, records, and printed sources, etc.) on criminals, crime fighters, and the courts will be conducted. An example of criminal topics to be discussed is the drug problem, sex offenders, murders, etc.

CJ 383 - CJ Administration and Mgmt
Hours: 3
Criminal Justice Administration and Management - Three semester hours The study of criminal justice administration (i.e., police, courts, and corrections) with special emphasis on applying theoretical concepts to practical planning and application, including the policy-making process, implementation of new policy, and policy assessment. Pre-requisite: CJ 101

CJ 384 - Terrorism
Hours: 3
The course provides various meanings and interpretations of terrorism as a unique form of violence in human society. It identifies various forms of types of terrorism such as one based on suicide. The course also explores a variety of theoretical as well as empirically based explanations, and preventive strategies for terrorism around the globe along with their relevance to the American criminal justice system

CJ 390 - White-Collar Crime
Hours: 3
White-Collar Crime. Three hours. This course examines the theories, ideas, nature and scope that are dominant in the field of white-collar crime. An examination of the structural foundation of occupational, political, and organization/corporate crimes, with some comparison with street (predatory) type crimes will occur in this class. Multi-level responses and forms of intervention will also be discussed.

CJ 397 - Special Topic
Hours: 0-4
Special Topics. Three semester hours. Organized class. May be repeated when topics vary.

CJ 420 - Crime Profiling
Hours: 3
Crime Profiling. Three semester hours This course examines various types of crimes, in terms of offender profile, victim profile and situational elements, using both national crime and victimization data. Within each crime typology, data are utilized to examine the characteristics of the most likely offender, and the circumstances under which the crime is most likely to be committed. Pertinent theories are examined, relating to both the crimes and offenders, by types of crimes. Responses to each type by law enforcement agencies are also discussed.

CJ 430 - CJ Policy and Practice
Hours: 3
This course will evaluate various policy dimensions of crime and criminal justice. Students will learn the process through which policy is made, will critically evaluate current criminal justice policies, and will study the impact of policy decisions on criminal justice practice. Prerequisite: CJ 1301.

CJ 431 - Law and the Courts
Hours: 3
This course is an advanced approach which focuses on a combined examination of the criminal justice system highlighting the principles and nature of criminal law; while examining the operation of the American Court system at the federal, state, and local judicial levels. This course examines the court system working group(s) and the development of criminal law as it impacts society. Prerequisites: CJ 1306 and/or CJ 1310 and earning at minimum a C in each of these courses.

CJ 468 - Institutional (jails, prisons) and Community Corrections
Hours: 3
This course is an examination of punishment and treatment objectives as they describe the functioning of institutional entities such as jails and prisons; while connecting these institutions to the operations of community corrections (including probation and parole systems). A connected investigation of the complete correctional system including from maximum punishment to minimum community type institutions. Prerequisites: CJ 1301; CJ 1306 and/or CJ 1310 and earning at minimum a C in each of these courses.

CJ 469 - Victimology
Hours: 3
This course will present a number of different definitions of Victimology to include early theorists and recent theories as to the causes of victimization. Methods of reporting crimes, both official (government) and unofficial reports will be examined including the Uniform Crime Report (UCR). The course will offer an examination of the criminal and civil process as it relates to victims. It explains the impact of crime on victims; a global perspective of victimization; and responses to victimization.

CJ 470 - Criminal Justice Internship I
Hours: 3
Criminal Justice Internship I. Three semester hours. An academically based work experience within selected agencies of the criminal justice system. The purpose of the internship is to provide an arena for the application of classroom principles within the context of the day to day reality of the criminal justice system. The internship includes field supervision as well as classroom experiences. Prerequisites: Junior standing with 12 hours in criminology, law enforcement, and permission of the instructor. NOTE: Students with previous work experience within the criminal justice system are not eligible.

CJ 479 - Offender Reentry
Hours: 3
Offender reentry is the process of transitioning offenders from prison/jail to the community. This course will provide students with an in-depth analysis of the issues impacting successful offender reentry, including employment, drug treatment, family reunification, and housing issues. In addition, this course will educate students about barriers and impediments to offender reentry such as voter disenfranchisement. Prerequisites: CJ 1301.

CJ 480 - Senior Sem in Criminal Justice
Hours: 3
A review and discussion of significant current research and case studies in the criminal justice field. Examination and application of methods of transferring theoretical perspectives, knowledge, and skills from academics to the work environment. An overview of career opportunities, resume preparation, and job interviewing skills. Prerequisite: CJ 1301, declaration as a Criminal Justice major, and completion of at least 90 semester hours.

CJ 488 - Ethics in Criminal Justice
Hours: 3
Ethics in Criminal Justice. Three semester hours. A review of ethical theories and their application to the fields of law enforcement, courts, and corrections. The development of ethical reasoning, familiarity of professional standards and codes of ethics, and resolution of complex ethical dilemmas.

CJ 489 - Independent Study
Hours: 1-4
Independent Study. One to four semester hours. Individualized instruction/research at an advanced level in a specialized content area under the direction of a faculty member. May be repeated when the topic varies. Prerequisite: Consent of department head.

CJ 490 - Honors Thesis
Hours: 3

CJ 491 - Honors Reading
Hours: 3

CJ 497 - Special Topics
Hours: 3
Special Topics. Three semester hours. Organized class. May be repeated when topics vary.