Health B.A./B.S.-All-Level Teacher Certification EC-12

The purpose of the major in health all-level certification (33 semester hours) is to prepare teachers for early childhood through grade twelve in health. A graduate should possess the following competencies: (1) knowledge and skills that promote individual health and safety; (2) awareness of forces which support and inhibit a well environment; (3) knowledge and skills in program planning, teaching methods, and evaluation; (4) life-saving skills and accident prevention principles; and (5) knowledge of appropriate guidelines for food selection, intake, and utilization.

All-Level Teacher Certification in Health

Students MUST have and maintain a 2.5 overall GPA in order to take 300- and 400- level classes in the program.

Core Curriculum Courses
See the Core Curriculum Requirements42
All-Level Teacher Certification in Health
Students must have and maintain a 2.5 overall GPA in order to take 300 and 400 level classes in the program
Required courses in the Major (33)
HHPH 130
HHPH 172Systems of the Human Body3
HHPK 2113
HHPH 2653
HHPH 331Nutrition3
HHPH 362Survey of Human Diseases3
HHPH 382Social Justice and Health 3
HHPH 385Current Issues in Health3
HHPH 430Health and Healthcare Disparities 3
HHPH 472Stress Management3
Required support courses (9)
HHPK 324Health and Kinesiology for Children3
HHPK 302Adapted Physical Education3
HHPK 1543
Required courses in a supporting field (9)
PSY 322Lifespan Development3
PSY 443Psychology of Death & Dying3
SOC 350Drugs & Society3
Hum Anatomy/Physiology I (Grade of "C" or higher required) *
Hum Anatomy/Physiology II (Grade of "C" or higher required) *
Teacher Education Courses
SED 300Teaching Profession3
PSY 300Learning Processes and Development3
RDG 380Comprehension and Vocabulary in Middle and High Schools3
ETEC 424Integrating Tech into Curricul3
SED 400Pedagogy and Classroom Management in Field-based Environments3
SED 401Technology Infused Curriculum and Assessment in Field-based Environments3
SED 404Secondary Teaching Practicum3
SED 405Secondary Residency in Teaching3-6
ELED 452Student Teaching in Field-Based Teacher Education Programs3-9
Total Hours117-126

 These should be used to satisfy the Core Curriculum Requirements

