ECO 501 - Economics for Decision Makers
Hours: 3
An introduction to the primary concepts and methods of micro and macroeconomics as they apply to decision makers within the business unit- all within the context of expanding global markets. This course satisfies the economics background requirement for MBA candidates.
ECO 502 - Quantitative Analysis for Managers
Hours: 3
This course satisfies the background requirements for quantitative analysis and techniques. The course will cover descriptive statistics, inferential statistics and models with business applications to analyze business problems. Specific topics include: measures of central tendency and variation, probability distributions, estimation, hypothesis testing, regression and correlation.
ECO 510 - Advanced Environmental Economics
Hours: 3
This graduate level course applies advanced analytical tools of economics to explain the interaction between the marketplace and the environment, the implications of that relationship, and an examination of effective solutions. Particular emphasis given to agricultural, natural resources, and policy analysis. Prerequisites: ECO 2301 or ECO 2302 or Instructor Permission.
ECO 518 - Thesis
Hours: 3-6
Graded on a (S) satisfactory or (U) unsatisfactory basis.
ECO 528 - International Economic Problems
Hours: 3
An analysis of current global issues and their impacts on the United States. Emphasis is on gains from trade, balance of payments and adjustment to national international equilibria, determination of exchange rates under various monetary standards, international capital flows, and trade policy considerations in a changing world economy. Crosslisted with: ECO 428.
ECO 533 - Applied Economic & Financial Forecasting
Hours: 3
Introduces students to the tools, techniques and computer software used to create a structural process by which future economic, finance, and business variables are forecasted. Prerequisites: Eco 231 and 232, or ECO 501. Crosslisted with: FIN 533.
ECO 552 - Economics for Public Policy
Hours: 3
Business, government, and culture provide the three interacting subsystems of society within which markets must operate. This course analyzes each side of that relationship, covering the different ways that public policy affects the activities of the modern global corporation and the key responses on the part of market participants. Prerequisites: ECO 2301, 2302, or ECO 501.
ECO 555 - Health Care Services in the U.S.
Hours: 3
This course provides (1) a historical perspective on the development of health care services in the United States, (2) a description of the key factors and issues which influence the development of the current health care delivery systems and (3) a description of the current health care delivery systems.
ECO 556 - Health Economics
Hours: 3
This course examines the application of economic principles to the allocation of scarce resources in health care; the use of economic theory to understand problems of organization, delivery, and financing of health services; and the choices available to society regarding these issues.
ECO 557 - Health Policy
Hours: 3
Provides an overview of health policy in the United States and introduces both qualitative and quantitative methods for analyzing health policy with attention given to the political and economic perspectives on health policy questions
ECO 562 - Managerial Economics
Hours: 3
The study and application of concepts and models, primarily microeconomic, to various types of management problems. While analysis is primarily in terms of cost, demand, revenues, and market structure, the process combines ideas and methods from other functional fields of business administration. The case method is used to provide illustration and application of concepts.
ECO 576 - Macroeconomics for Managers
Hours: 3
This course provides a broad overview of macroeconomic theory and policy. The major focus is on understanding fluctuations in the levels of income, employment, prices, and production in a global environment. While individual managers and firms have no control over aggregate economic performance, they are very much impacted by macro forces. The effective manager recognizes and understands these forces and is thus better able to operate efficiently in the ever changing market environment. Prerequisites: ECO 2301 and 2302.
ECO 578 - Statistical Methods
Hours: 3
A course dealing with the study and applications of sampling, estimation, hypothesis testing, analysis of variance, correlation, regression analysis, time series decision theory and nonparametric statistical methods.
ECO 589 - Independent Study
Hours: 3
Individualized instruction/research at an advanced level in a specialized content area under the direction of a faculty member. May be repeated when the topic varies. Prerequisite: Consent of department head.
ECO 595 - Applied Business Research
Hours: 3
A course to investigate the techniques of the research process as applied to business and economics. Experience is gained in defining research problems and in collecting, analyzing, recording and interpreting data. Also, an analysis of pertinent research literature in business and economics. Required of all graduate majors in business administration under Option II.
ECO 597 - Special Topics
Hours: 1-4
Organized class. May be repeated when topics vary.