Political Science MA/MS

Graduate students seeking the Master of Arts degree in Political Science must demonstrate language proficiency.  This can be accomplished with 12 semester hours (four courses) in one foreign language, 6 semester hours (above elementary courses) if 2 years of high school credit in the language have been submitted as part of the regular university admission requirements, 3 semester hours if the student presents 3 or 4 years of high school credit, or American Sign Language (ASL) is considered an acceptable foreign language.  Students should consult with departmental Director of Graduate School regarding this requirement if the undergraduate degree is a Bachelor of Arts.

Those graduate students seeking the Master of Science degree in Political Science must demonstrate analytical, statistical, & mathematical competencies through any combination of 9 hours undergraduate and/or graduate courses beyond those required for the degree with departmental advisor approval of courses. 

Master of Arts/Master of Science in Political Science - Option I Thesis

Ten course program to be completed (30 semester hours)

Thesis (6 semester hours)
PSCI 518Thesis (6 semester hours required)3-6
Only 6 semester hours of credit for 518 per degree will be given upon satisfactory completion of the requirement
Research Methods (3 semester hours)
3 semester hours (1 course) from:
PSCI 512Qual Res Methods3
PSCI 540Applied Data Analysis for Political Science3
Comparative Politics (3 semester hours)
3 semester hours (1 course) from:
PSCI 503Proseminar in Comp Pol3
PSCI 504Sem in Area Studies3
International Relations (3 semester hours)
3 semester hours (1 course) from:
PSCI 506Proseminar in IR3
PSCI 508Seminar in Foreign Policy3
American Government and Politics (3 semester hours)
3 semester hours (1 course) from:
PSCI 509Seminar in American Government and Politics3
PSCI 510Sem in Am Pol Beh3
PSCI 511Sem in Am Pol Inst3
Political Theory (3 semester hours)
3 semester hours (1 course) from:
PSCI 513Prosem in Pol Theory3
Electives (9 semester hours)
9 semester hours (3 courses) from:
Students may choose any of the courses above not used to satisfy foundational requirement in addition to any of the following courses for a total of 9 semester credit hours.
PSCI 505Topics Comp Pol3
PSCI 507Selected Topics in IR3
PSCI 514Ideology of Third Reich3
PSCI 515Select Topics Holocaust3
PSCI 522Holocaust and Genocide3
PSCI 597Special Topics3
PSCI 541Seminar in American Public Policy3
Total Hours30

Master of Arts in Political Science - Option II Non-Thesis

Twelve course program to be completed (36 semester hours)

Political Science Research Methods (6 semester hours)
PSCI 595Research Project (3 semester hours required)3
3 semester hours (1 course) from:
PSCI 512Qual Res Methods3
PSCI 540Applied Data Analysis for Political Science3
Comparative Politics (3 semester hours)
3 semester hours (1 course) from:
PSCI 503Proseminar in Comp Pol3
PSCI 504Sem in Area Studies3
International Relations (3 semester hours)
3 semester hours (1 course) from:
PSCI 506Proseminar in IR3
PSCI 508Seminar in Foreign Policy3
American Government (3 semester hours)
3 semester hours (1 course) from:
PSCI 509Seminar in American Government and Politics3
PSCI 510Sem in Am Pol Beh3
PSCI 511Sem in Am Pol Inst3
Political Theory (3 semester hours)
3 semester hours (1 course) from:
PSCI 513Prosem in Pol Theory3
Political Science Electives (15 semester hours)
15 semester hours (5 courses) from:
PSCI 505Topics Comp Pol3
PSCI 507Selected Topics in IR3
PSCI 515Select Topics Holocaust3
PSCI 522Holocaust and Genocide3
PSCI 541Seminar in American Public Policy3
PSCI 597Special Topics3
Elective (3 semester hours)
3 semester hours any Graduate Level Course (excluding 518 & 595)3
Total Hours36

Master of Science in Political Science - Option II  Non-Thesis

General Track

Political Science Research Methods (9 semester hours)
9 semester hours required
PSCI 595Research Project (3 semester hours required)3
PSCI 512Qual Res Methods3
PSCI 540Applied Data Analysis for Political Science3
Comparative Politics (3 semester hours)
3 semester hours (1 course) from:
PSCI 503Proseminar in Comp Pol3
PSCI 504Sem in Area Studies3
International Relations (3 semester hours)
3 semester hours (1 course) from:
PSCI 506Proseminar in IR3
PSCI 508Seminar in Foreign Policy3
American Government (3 semester hours)
3 semester hours (1 course) from:
PSCI 509Seminar in American Government and Politics3
PSCI 510Sem in Am Pol Beh3
PSCI 511Sem in Am Pol Inst3
Political Theory (3 semester hours)
3 semester hours (1 course) from:
PSCI 513Prosem in Pol Theory3
Political Science Electives (12 semester hours)
12 semester hours (4 courses) from:
PSCI 505Topics Comp Pol3
PSCI 507Selected Topics in IR3
PSCI 514Ideology of Third Reich3
PSCI 515Select Topics Holocaust3
PSCI 516The Holocaust3
PSCI 541Seminar in American Public Policy3
PSCI 597Special Topics3
Courses outside of Political Science Department (3 semester hours)
3 semester hours (1 course) outside the Political Science Department (excluding 518 & 595)3
Total Hours36

Note:  Successful completion of the Comprehensive Exam is required of all students.

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